I slutet av varje The Walking Dead komisk fråga är en "Letter Hacks" -sektion, där författarna (särskilt Kirkman) svarar på fläktbrev om hur de utvecklar komiken, någon världsbyggnad, vad som kan hända i de följande frågorna ... Och ibland måste sanningen av dessa uttalanden tas med ett saltkorn.
Sanning sanning är något som Kirkman har tillåtit till ComicBook.com:
"The name of the game as a writer is not limiting yourself for the future," Kirkman said. "In my opinion, at least. I'd never answer this [how many people are left] in a letters column because if later I decide they're going to find a place with millions of people, you can say, 'No wait! In the letters column for #177 you said this!' I also intentionally mislead in the letters column from time to time to steer eagle-eyed readers away from the upcoming plot threads. That's fun. At some point someone should take it upon themselves to read all the Letter Hacks over the years and see if they can figure out when I knew of an upcoming storyline and was clearly misleading people, and when I just changed my mind or came up with a new idea."
Till exempel, tillbaka i nummer # 151 av The Walking Dead , när Negan fortfarande var i fängelse, skrev Kirkman i avsnittet "Letter Hacks":
Negan is NEVER getting out of that cell. EVER. Sorry.
Negan befrias av en Rick-hater i nästa nummer, vilket ledde till denna dialog i " Letter Hacks "avsnittet av nummer # 152:
MACKIEWICZ: You're a goddamn dirty liar, Robert. Last issue you wrote: "Negan is NEVER getting out of that cell. EVER. Sorry." Sooooo... unless this is some early onset something or other... You're a goddamn dirty liar. BUT Negan's out, which will make all the Hacks lunatics ecstatic for a number of perverse reasons, which they're already writing and sending WITHOUT proofreading. ... I guess this is going to be the tone of Hacks this months. Roll with it.
KIRKMAN: Listen, in my opinion, there's a special kind of devoted reader who pours through Letter Hacks each and every month. And those readers... I like to enhance the experience for them as best I can. Sometimes it's by lying about a thing I know is coming VERY soon, other times it's by seemingly spoiling big things which sometimes come to pass... and sometimes don't. It makes things more fun! So read Letter Hacks, people! You never know what's going to happen!
Baserat på detta exempel och citat ovan är det kanske inte den enda gången som Kirkman drog ett sådant drag.
Jag vet också att det finns motstridiga uttalanden om milstolpe # 200-problemet, men eftersom det bara kommer att släppas om ett år, låt oss inte överväga den här just nu.
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