Från mitt eget svar på Vilka är de 7 nedskärningar som gjorts i indisk version av Deadpool? från Movies & TV:
From, seven scenes that were cut by the censorboard of India are:
All the cuss words have been muted. The triple headshot scene has been deleted during the car chase fighting scene. Because it shows violence. All the nud* and love scenes have been deleted and some have been shortened. Hand cutting and gushing of blood of Deadpool has been replaced with the visuals of Stefan Kapicic’s character Colossus. The bare bodies in the stri* club have been replaced. The lady in poster touching her parts is replaced. All the gory shots in the climax scene are replaced too. Nedan finns det officiella dokumentet för nedskärningarna i film,
Efter att ha tittat på filmen kan jag säga att ingenting kommer att saknas från historiens synvinkel, alla förbannelsespersoner är dämpa men vila är ok.