Novel om en man som är föremål för nanoteknikprov som slutar med ett avancerat rymdskepp


Letar efter titeln på en full längds roman. Huvudpersonen var i en forskningsstation och var föremål för nanoteknikförsök som kan orsaka missbildning och död. Han flyr och slutar med ett avancerat stjärnfartyg som leds av en AI. Forskningsstationen förstörs och alla tror att huvudpersonen dödas. I slutet av boken har han blivit smugglare.

Förmodligen från 2000-talet.

uppsättning David Myers 21.12.2017 06:25

1 svar


Ett hoppa framåt av Mark L. Van Namn

Huvudpersonen var Jon Moore och hans skepp var ett Predator Class Assault Ship.

Jon Moore: A nanotech-enhanced warrior who wants nothing more than a quiet life and a way back to his strange home world. Lobo: An AI-enhanced Predator-Class Assault Vehicle, a mobile fortress equipped for any environment from the seabed to interstellar space. TWO WOLVES IN A GALAXY OF LARGER PREDATORSJon Moore wanted only to relax on the pristine planet of Macken--but Macken was the secret battleground of two megacorporations, both determined to control the local jump gate and the riches of an undeveloped world. Moore was too valuable a tool not to be used, whether or not he was willing. What the corporations didn't realize was that Moore had a mind of his own and a conscience that wouldn't let him quit until he'd righted the wrong they'd tricked him into making. And Moore had Lobo--or just possibly Lobo had Jon Moore, because this Assault Vehicle had a mind of its own. . . .

Finding allies and enemies among terrorist groups and elite mercenaries, gun-runners and the only kind of government possible on a frontier short on rules and long on riches, Jon and Lobo fight to a climax with a corporate army that can't afford to leave any witnesses. Exotic settings, fast action, real tech, mechanically-enhanced animals--and a beautiful woman who's as deadly as a cobra!
Synopsis from Goodreads

svaret ges 21.12.2017 08:38