Hur länge varar varelser ur en väska med tricks?


För referens, DMG p154 -

You can use an action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you determine by rolling a d8 and consulting the table that correspond's to the bag's color. See the Monstor Manual for the creature's statistics. The creature is friendly to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. you can use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and what action it takes on it's next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to it's nature.

uppsättning Whiskey 13.01.2015 17:49

3 svar


För 5e verkar det vara en av de saker som de släppte ut. Tidigare utgåvor hade begränsningar som noteras nedan, så det här är en av de saker som kommer att vara upp till DM att bestämma vid behov.

2: a upplagans tidsgräns: 10 minuter (1 varv)

Only one creature can be drawn forth at a time. It alone exists until it is slain, until one turn has elapsed, or until it is ordered back into the bag of tricks. At that point, the creature vanishes. Only then can another animal be brought forth. Up to 10 creatures can be drawn from the bag each week.

Tredje upplagans tidsgräns: 10 minuter

Bag of Tricks: This small sack appears normal and empty. However, anyone reaching into the bag feels a small, fuzzy ball. If the ball is removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns into an animal. The animal serves the character who drew it from the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered back into the bag)

3.5 (Samma som tredje upplagan)

4: e upplagans tidsgräns: 5 minuter eller möteslängd

Bag of Tricks

These small leather bags come in a variety of colors, gray being the most common. You can use a bag of tricks to conjure an obedient beast. You must spend a healing surge to activate the bag’s power, and you gain no other benefit for spending the healing surge. When you use a bag of tricks to conjure a creature, it appears in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of you; the space must be large enough to contain the creature without squeezing. The creature obeys only you, responding to commands spoken in any language. The creature remains until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes

Observera att det i avsaknad av order (man antar ständigt), kommer det dynade djuret att vandra och göra det som är naturligt för det. Så du kan spela det på flera sätt för att förhindra att karaktären har en armé av babianer eller liknande.

svaret ges 13.01.2015 17:55

Från och med den senaste Dungeon Master's Guide errata ,

Bag of Tricks (p. 154). The second paragraph ends with a new sentence: “The creature vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.”

Trots Jeremy Crawfords svar på tweets verkar det som om detta är den officiella positionen för deras kollektiva brainstorming.

svaret ges 22.12.2015 23:30

D & D 5e designer och officiell regler expert Jeremy Crawford tweeted följande errata den 09 jan 2015:

The bag of tricks is missing its duration: 10 minutes, 1 animal at a time. We'll correct it.

Som svar på denna fråga från @BrailSays:

Bag of duration listed, nor limit to how many things total, just per day. Can amass army of critters?

svaret ges 17.01.2015 18:30