What Loki scener filmades för Avengers: Age of Ultron?


Under publicitet för Age of Ultron , sa Joss Whedon att han filmade något material med Loki som gjorde inte slutklippet .

Har någon någonsin bekräftat vad innehållet i dessa scener var, eller har dessa scener dykt upp på någon filmversion?

uppsättning Paul D. Waite 17.11.2016 18:58

1 svar


Han var en del av Thors vision quest

Tom Hiddleston diskuterade detta i en intervju med 2015 med Digital Spy:



Hiddleston: I was part of the dream sequence for the character of Thor, and I show up for a day, and enjoyed it very much, and then I received a phone call from Kevin Feige [something about getting an email from Joss Whedon that I can't decipher], but basically Kevin said - and I'm just going to tell you the truth because it's the cleanest way of doing it - that in test screenings, audiences had sort of over-emphasized Loki's role so they thought that because I was in it that was controlling Ultron, and that it was actually imbalancing people's expectations. So Joss and Kevin were like 'We've got to...let's cut it because it's confusing people'

JossWhedongavmerinformationien 2015-utseende på Empire Podcast, säger att scenen inkluderade Hiddleston gör sitt bästa impersonation av Anthony Hopkins (som spelar Odin):

We even had a little reference to the fact that he’s taken the throne, which was Tom doing his Anthony Hopkins impression when Thor says, 'Oh, what would father say?' Then Tom does his Hopkins impression, and Thor’s like, 'That is uncanny!' It’s sort of like his subconscious is telling him that Loki was imitating his father.

Såvitt jag vet har den här scenen aldrig gjorts offentligt tillgänglig. Blu-Ray specialutgåva (som jag inte har, eftersom formatkrig är dumma) innehöll ett antal raderade scener, men uppenbarligen har inte den här .

svaret ges 17.11.2016 19:05