How slutade Hulk och hans Quinjet på Sakaar?


I Thor: Ragnarok -filmen såg vi det

Banner accessed the log of Quinjet

men det gav inte mycket information eller jag förstod det inte.

Jag tvivlar på att jordens atmosfär har en Einstein-Rosenbro som kan ta dig till Sakaar. Jag tvivlar också på att Quinjet kunde överleva sådan resa.

Hur exakt slutade Hulk och hans Quinjet på Sakaar?

uppsättning S S 05.11.2017 15:21

2 svar


Detta var föremål för en retcon efter det blev uppenbart att Ragnarok behövde ett stort namn som stödjer skådespelaren tillsammans med Hemsworth. Kort sagt, Hulk flög faktiskt in i rymden (i slutet av Age of Ultron), där han efter en stund sprang på en portal till Sakaar

What Feige is referring to is the last time fans saw the Hulk, flying off in a Quinjet after being hurt by Black Widow. Joss Whedon publically stated that he had planned to show the Hulk leaving Earth and headed into space, but that the studio insisted on him changing the color of the sky from black to blue to avoid giving fans the idea that they were going to do a “Planet Hulk” movie.

“We said, ‘Joss, we can’t do that because he’s not going into space and people are going to think we’re doing ‘Planet Hulk,’” Feige recalls. “He goes, ‘Well, what are you going to do?’ We said, ‘We don’t know.’ So, if you go back and look at that shot of the movie, he’s in the sky. It’s blue sky."

Marvel also changed the Avengers: Age of Ultron script to avoid confusion, removing a line that would have noted that the Hulk had been located passing Saturn.

“So in the movie, it’s, ‘We lost the signal out by the Caspian Sea,’” Feige says. “Or something like that, it was all earthbound.“

Senare men ....

“Well, what if he did go to space?” Feige said. “We would jokily call it Planet Thor, for a while. I went, ‘You know what that means?’ They go, ‘What?’ I go, ‘That means Hulk went to space at the end of Ultron.’ So, I had to tell Joss. And this was a year after Ultron came out. It was kind of a big thing. We were like, ‘You gotta change it, Joss, he’s not going to space.’ A year after, I go, ‘Joss, guess where he’s going? He’s going to space.'”

How Marvel Retconned 'Age Of Ultron' To Add Hulk To 'Thor: Ragnarok'


While I was attending a Marvel set visit, Ragnarok production designer Dan Hennah opened during a roundtable discussion and said:

"Sakaar's populated by aliens and the, the sky in Sakaar has a number of worm holes that deposit space waste, basically, and if you're flying though space, you can get caught in a wormhole and you can end up... Well, he hit one of these wormholes and he ended up here and he became The Grandmaster's special toy, you know. He's the lead punch-up guy."

How The Hulk Ended Up On Sakaar In Thor: Ragnarok

svaret ges 05.11.2017 16:03

Han blev sannolikt kidnappad av stormästarens samlingslag.





Seockså: Var Beta Ray Bill skulpterad till stormästarens torn i Thor: Ragnarok?

svaret ges 05.11.2017 20:36