Vem flyger i den här bilden från Age of Ultron?


Jag tittade närmare på Avengers: Age of Ultron och jag märkte någon som flyger in i övre vänstra hörnet. Vem är den här nya karaktären? Vad har de att göra med striden mot Ultron?

uppsättning Jash Jacob 14.11.2014 10:00

1 svar


Nu när filmen har släppts vet vi vem det här tecknet är.

Denna karaktär är

the Vision, played by Paul Bettany

I serierna är deras relation till Ultron det

Vision was created by Ultron to prove that he could create life as well (Ultron himself being a synthetic lifeform). Vision is an android, and speculation suggests that it may be a spinoff of JARVIS come to the Avengers's aid.

I filmen

Vision’s body is created by Ultron as a final stage of his evolution; a final body for him. The body is created as a combination of genetic material and Vibranium. However, before Ultron can fully upload his mind into the body, it is stolen by the Avengers, and Stark and Banner load it with a modified version of JARVIS as a consciousness.

svaret ges 14.11.2014 10:26