Det här påminner mig om Cyborg och trollkarlarna , en av Lawrence Watt -Evans första romaner, om inte den första. Den titulära cyborgen är en krigare som kämpar länge efter kriget har slutat, för att ingen som fortfarande lever kan avveckla honom. I det första kapitlet landar han / kraschar på en planet där hans skepp har upptäckt "gravitationella anomalier" - som visar sig vara trollkarlar som flyger av magi. Han är skadad vid landning och räddad och magiskt läkt - och sedan börjar det äkta äventyret.
Utdrag ur det första kapitlet:
He lay back on the acceleration couch and wondered idly whether he had been officially decommissioned, and whether anybody left alive had the authority to decommission him. He had no idea, and there was no way he could find out. He had been under total communications silence when the D-series destroyed Old Earth's military -- and probably its civilization as well -- and since then, of course, there had been no signal at all from his home base on Mars. There could be little doubt that his superiors were all long dead; if the war hadn't killed them, the passage of time would have. The fourteen years of subjective time he had spent in space worked out to about three hundred years of outside time, and he doubted very much that anyone on Old Earth had been making breakthroughs in geriatrics after the war was lost.