Då manliga blanks finns i 40K universum?


I hela böckerna har jag läst Jag har bara sett exempel på kvinnliga ämnen i hela 40K-universum, tystnadssystrarna är ett exempel.

Finns det några manliga blanks i något av källmaterialet?

uppsättning Richard C 08.10.2018 16:54

2 svar



Wikia-sidan för Blanks listar några möjliga tecken. Bland dem är Ferik Jurgen .

Despite his unprepossessing physical appearance, his indefatigable body odour, and general lack of basic social skills, he had several qualities which made him indispensable to Cain, most notably his fierce bravery and unwavering loyalty to Cain, the Guard, and the Emperor, his implacability under the worst of conditions (except flying), and, last but not least, his incredibly rare attributes as a Blank, which saved both Cain and several others from Daemonic and psychic attack innumerable times.

Jurgens status bekräftas i epilogen av den första Cain-novellen, För kejsaren , i en diskussion mellan Cain och Inquisitor Amberley Vail:

"You think Jurgen's a psyker?" ... Amberley shook her head.

"No, quite the reverse. He's a blank, I'm sure of it." ... "Blanks are like anti-psykers," she explained. "They can't be affected by psykers or warp entities. They block telepathic communication. You saw how the patriarch reacted to him...."

"That explains a lot," I said, recalling a number of incidents over the years which had seemed no more than mildly puzzling at the time, but which I now realised formed a pattern, confirming my aide's resistance to psychic attack. "How long have you known?"

"Since the first time I saw him," she admitted. "When Rakel [a sanctioned psyker] had a seizure when he was trying to help her...."

För kejsaren , Epilog, s. 269 i omnibusutgåvan Imperiens hjälte .)

svaret ges 08.10.2018 17:02

De gör det säkert, men i fluffen av vilken anledning som helst, är de väldigt sällsynta.

Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor är tomt är en man som heter Wystan Frauka.

a man with the latent ability to block out psychic activity. Big, chain-smoking and disliked by pretty much everyone (in part because of his psychic blankness. It was mentioned in Xenos that the field untouchables project also creates a sense of fear, revulsion and dread in others.). An interesting difference to the Eisenhorn novels is Frauka's so-called inhibitor, a device allowing him to shut down his natural anti-psi field. He is often found passing the time by reading pornographic data-slates or staring at the female members of the team.

Och jag antar att du inte har läst den här serien av böcker? Du borde definitivt, i min ödmjuka åsikt, Inquisitor -serien vara där uppe med de allra bästa 40k sakerna.

svaret ges 08.10.2018 18:01