Vaktmästaren tog med människor till Ocampa-planet i hopp om att de skulle ersätta honom i sin roll som vaktmästare i Ocampa.
Gorchestopher Hs svar är korrekt, men eftersom Wikipedia inte är den mest tillförlitliga källan i världen, är här det relevanta citatet från transkriptet av själva showen:
JANEWAY: Why were you bringing ships here, infecting people with a fatal illness?
CARETAKER: Oh, they didn't die of an illness. They died because they were incompatible.
JANEWAY: Incompatible?
CARETAKER: I've been searching the galaxy for a compatible biomolecular pattern. Now, in some individuals I found cellular structures that were similar, but I ... JANEWAY: You've been trying to procreate?
CARETAKER: I needed someone to replace me. Someone who'd understand the enormous responsibility of caring for the Ocampa. Only my offspring could do that.ST:Voyager, Episode 1: Caretaker (emphasis mine)