Vad letade enheten efter, som tog Voyager in i Delta-kvadranten?


Voyager togs in i Delta Quadrant av en enhet som letade efter något.

Vad var det som det sökte?

uppsättning 1.21 gigawatts 21.10.2012 22:11

2 svar


"Caretaker" letade efter varelser som kunde upprätthålla den matris som passade Ocampa.

Referens: Länk

The Caretaker reveals that he was part of an alien race whose technology had long ago accidentally caused the rainfall cycle on the Ocampa planet to become disrupted and leaving it arid, due to the destruction of that particular M-class planet's atmospheric nucleogenics. To make up for the error, he and another of his race stayed behind to care for the Ocampa. His companion having long moved on, the Caretaker has used the Array to seek species from distant galactic sectors with the potential to help him reproduce and maintain the array; the strange disease that Kim and Torres had was a result of that test.

svaret ges 21.10.2012 22:49

Vaktmästaren tog med människor till Ocampa-planet i hopp om att de skulle ersätta honom i sin roll som vaktmästare i Ocampa.

Gorchestopher Hs svar är korrekt, men eftersom Wikipedia inte är den mest tillförlitliga källan i världen, är här det relevanta citatet från transkriptet av själva showen:

JANEWAY: Why were you bringing ships here, infecting people with a fatal illness?
CARETAKER: Oh, they didn't die of an illness. They died because they were incompatible.
JANEWAY: Incompatible?
CARETAKER: I've been searching the galaxy for a compatible biomolecular pattern. Now, in some individuals I found cellular structures that were similar, but I ... JANEWAY: You've been trying to procreate?
CARETAKER: I needed someone to replace me. Someone who'd understand the enormous responsibility of caring for the Ocampa. Only my offspring could do that.

ST:Voyager, Episode 1: Caretaker (emphasis mine)

svaret ges 13.11.2016 15:18