Vem knuffade Frodo?


I Ringenes Herre finns det fem Nazgûl som finns kvar och attackerar Hobbits på Weathertop.

Vilken Nagul stöttade Frodo? Var det häxkongen eller var han en av de fyra som följde Gandalf?

Crown som bevis :

Medan svaren är bra och påpekar att det är häxkungen, är frågan Vem var Nazgul innan de blev wraiths? hänvisar till kungar flertalet därför bär en krona är bara en pekare och inte definitiv. Jag väntar på att se om fler bevis blir tillgängliga.

uppsättning Community 02.02.2017 15:33

4 svar


Det var häxkungen som stannar Frodo.

There were five tall figures: two standing on the lip of the dell, three advancing. In their white faces burned keen and merciless eyes; under their mantles were long grey robes; upon their grey hairs were helms of silver;... Two of the figures halted. The third was taller than the others: his hair was long and gleaming and on his helm was a crown. In one hand he held a long sword, and in the other a knife; both the knife and the hand that held it glowed with a pale light. He sprang forward and bore down on Frodo.

At that moment Frodo threw himself forward on the ground, and he heard himself crying aloud: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! At the same time he struck at the feet of his enemy. A shrill cry rang out in the night; and he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder.

Tolkien, J.R.R.. The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings (pp. 195-196). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.

but all blades perish that pierce that dreadful King. -Aragorn to Frodo about the incident.

De andra fyra hade alla silverhjälmar, bara en av de fem hade en krona på toppen.

For even the Wise might fear to withstand the Nine, when they are gathered together under their fell chieftain. A great king and sorcerer he was of old, and now he wields a deadly fear. -Gandalf on the nine.

svaret ges 02.02.2017 15:46

Om du är okej med att ta filmens ord för det, säger Gandalf klart att det var häxkongen

Gandalf: Sauron has yet to reveal his deadliest servant. The one who would lead Mordor's armies in war. The one they say no living man can kill: the Witch-King of Angmar. You've met him before. He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop.

svaret ges 02.02.2017 18:25

Det var häxkongen (förmodligen)

Two of the figures halted. The third was taller than the others: his hair was long and gleaming and on his helm was a crown. In one hand he held a long sword, and in the other a knife; both the knife and the hand that held it glowed with a pale light. He sprang forward and bore down on Frodo.

At that moment Frodo threw himself forward on the ground, and he heard himself crying aloud: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! At the same time he struck at the feet of his enemy. A shrill cry rang out in the night; and he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder.

Teoretiskt kunde det ha varit från en annan av Nazgûl (vi ser inte själva strejken) men implikationen är mycket tydlig.

I Peter Jackson-film anpassning är händelsen ganska tydligare


Frodo finds himself in the weird twilight world...he looks upon the Ringwraiths, now visible in their TRUE APPEARANCE: Five Ghouls dressed in long Grey robes, with white hair, and Pallid, ruthless faces. THE WITCH KING extends a haggard hand towards Frodo, reaching for the ring on his finger. Frodo's trembling hand extends forward as if by the pull of the ring...he slides to the ground, unable to pull his hand away. The witch king snarls and springs forward. He stabs at Frodo with a wicked dagger! Frodo winces as the tip of the dagger sinks into his shoulder. Suddenly, Strider charges at the RINGWRAITHS, wielding his sword in one hand, a flaming torch in the other. He moves in slow motion, visible through a sea of mist. Frodo sinks to the ground. Behind him is a faint image of a Ringwraith fleeing, his head engulfed in flames. With draining strength, Frodo manages to pull the ring off his finger...

LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring - Original Script

Ochigeni Ralph Bakshi-anpassning av Ringenes Herre , är han ganska bestämd av en karaktär senare identifierad som häxkongen.

svaret ges 02.02.2017 15:47

Det var herren till Nazgûl (tidigare känd som Witch King of Angmar), eller åtminstone verkar det ha varit den mest kraftfulla svarta ryttaren idag.

Two of the figures halted. The third was taller than the others: his hair was long and gleaming and on his helm was a crown. In one hand he held a long sword, and in the other a knife; both the knife and the hand that held it glowed with a pale light. He sprang forward and bore down on Frodo.

Tolkien tycktes ha en sak om höjd som en indikator på makt. (Eomer var den högsta av de ryttare som accosted Aragorn, Legolas och Gimli.) Hur figuren med bladet utpekas starkt föreslår att det var Nazgûl herre.

svaret ges 02.02.2017 15:47