Döms / regissörens kommentarspår för Deadpool indikerar att matchen var den enda hjälpmedlet för hans flykt:
Reese: I like the fact that you got out by virtue of this match. I think a lot of times, as screenwriter you're trying to get your protagonist locked into a box, and then figure out how to get them out in a way that's not totally obvious. And we planted that match in the mouth of Angel Dust, always with the intent of having it be the device that Wade used to get out of the Punch Bowl. That's kind of cool.
Reynolds: Yeah, I always loved that too. That was a nice plant pay-off as you call it.
Som du kan se, påverkar Punch Bowl golvet vid minst 50 fps, som drivs av explosionens kraft. Det är ganska rimligt att anta att restriktionerna skulle bryta i kombination med Wades vikt och det tryck som han utövar på dem. Dessutom kan flammorna och explosionen i sig ha skadat läderremmarna eller spännen.