J.K. Rowling har bara en gång pratat om Fawkes förbi
Peter Humphreys for BBC Newsround - Who did Fawkes previously belong to and will he play a vital role in the next book?
JK Rowling: I am not going to answer about the role in the next books, which probably gives you a big clue, and he has never been owned by anyone but Dumbledore. You will notice that when Harry goes back in the Pensieve in this book, Fawkes is never there, and no, I am sorry, not in this book, I take that back. When Harry has previously seen the study with a different headmaster he saw it with Dippet and Fawkes was not there then. Fawkes is Dumbledore's possession, not a Hogwarts possession.
(Edinburgh "cub reporter" press conference, ITV, 16 July 2005)
HP wiki gillar att påpeka att det faktum att hans fjäder gav kärnan till Voldemorts stav skulle ställa ett minimum i sin ålder som född lite före 1938.
“Exactly,” said Dumbledore. “Harry’s wand and Voldemort’s wand share cores. Each of them contains a feather from the tail of the same phoenix. This phoenix, in fact,” he added, and he pointed at the scarlet-and-gold bird, perching peacefully on Harry’s knee.
“My wand’s feather came from Fawkes?” Harry said, amazed.
“Yes,” said Dumbledore. “Mr. Ollivander wrote to tell me you had bought the second wand, the moment you left his shop four years ago.”
(Harry Potter and the Goblet of FIre - Chapter 36)
Fawkes hade självklart levat i naturen innan Dumbledore tämde honom, och han gav förmodligen inte spärrfjädrarna förrän senare. Fantastiska djur och var att hitta dem berättar för oss att Phoenix i allmänhet lever till "en enorm ålder ", så vi har verkligen ingen väg att veta hur gammal Fawkes är.
The phoenix lives to an immense age as it can regenerate, bursting into flames when its body begins to fail and rising again from the ashes as a chick.
(Fantastic Beasts and Where To FInd Them - Phoenix)