Film om en döende jord, så ett besättning av astronauter skickas för att rädda mänskligheten i en avlägsen planet


Film kan baseras på en roman från Stephen Baxter: Ark (2009)

  • Extrema klimat (översvämning, huricane ..) har gjort livet omöjligt på jorden
  • Astronauterna skickas till en annan stjärna, så att de kan rädda mänskligheten
  • rymdskeppet styrs av en dator som HAL 9000
  • ja det dödar sin kapten
  • ... genom att ta ut luften i tryckkammaren
  • nära Saturnus (tror jag) de måste bestämma go / no-go
  • deras interstellära rymdfarkoster drivs av nukleära explosioner
  • tycker att det är 2000-2010
uppsättning jpfreire 19.02.2014 04:54

1 svar


Virtualitet (2009)

A spaceship from Earth is equipped with a virtual-reality device to help those aboard cope with their 10-year mission. But when the system malfunctions, it puts the Phaeton's crew -- and the fate of their planet -- in jeopardy.

På filmens Wikipedia -sida finns här några punkter:

The pilot picks up approximately six months after the launch of the Phaeton [and it's getting closer and closer to Neptune]. The crew now faces a "go or no-go" situation, in that they are fast approaching their last chance to change course back towards Earth.

However, their home planet is quickly becoming uninhabitable, with dry land becoming a commodity. Scientists estimate that the planet will become completely inhospitable within the next hundred years. The Phaeton's priority mission has been changed to that of searching out and discovering a new planet for humans to inhabit.


[Lately] the crew's virtual reality simulators have been experiencing several bizarre glitches, all of which involve a mysterious man, whose acts against the crew inside the virtual simulations become more and more disturbing.


The communications array fails to deploy, and after Dr. Jules Braun tries everything that he can from inside the ship, Pike, Rika, Val Orlovsky and Manny Rodriguez prepare to identify the problem from the outside.

While preparing for EVA [Extra-vehicular activity], the airlock chamber closes by itself, with Pike inside and without his pressure suit helmet. Despite efforts to save him, the airlock opens and Pike is killed.

~ Synopsis från allmovie ; Bilder från DEN AV GEEK! , NY Daily News och

Läs mer om det här och här .

svaret ges 19.02.2014 06:40