Olika EU-romaner presenterar potentiella öde för Cardassian Union.
De mest uppenbara referenserna är " A Stitch in Time " av Andrew J. Robinson (skådespelaren som spelade Elim Garak). I det ser vi att Cardassia Prime har lidit enorma förluster av både befolkning och infrastruktur, med nästan alla större städer som har lidit katastrofala övergrepp från mark och bana. Regeringen byggs upp längs demokratiska linjer (med någon som heter Alon Ghemor i spetsen för en rörelse som kallas Reunion Project ). I slutet ser vi att planeten börjar komma tillbaka till en viss normalitet.
"Someone once said that democracy was the flawed solution to a perfect mess . . . and I absolutely agree. The Reunion Project won a majority in four of the six sectors, and instead of being able to impose their will on the political situation, everything is discussed endlessly . . . and then put to yet another vote! Is this your vaunted democracy, Doctor? To be subjected to the opinion of any person who has the breath to utter one? How does anything get accomplished? If this is—as some fervently believe—a Federation plot to diminish Cardassian involvement in the quadrant, then it has succeeded ingeniously. We’re much too involved in discussions over power grids and waste disposal to care about anything else."
Du har också fått det mycket mer dyster ödet som ses i Millennium: Inferno , där Cardassian folket har lidit ingenting mindre än deras fullständiga och fullständiga förstörelse:
"The survival of Cardassia?" Cardassia's defeat was the gravest event Garak the tailor could imagine. Nothing meant more to him than his world and his people, despite the flawed leadership that currently blighted both.
"Even graver, I'm afraid," the visitor replied. "Though I have seen … I have seen Cardassia Prime laid waste and our people … our people erased from existence."