Hur visste Thresh att Katniss blev vän med Rue i Hunger Games?


I Hunger Games attackeras Katniss av Clove, men räddas i sista stund när Thres dödar Klove. Thresh kan då också döda Katniss, men säger (citerar från minnet):

Just this once, Twelve. For Rue.

Kör sedan tillbaka i skogen.

Hur visste Thresh att Katniss hade befriended Rue?

uppsättning Flimzy 14.05.2012 05:21

4 svar


Om jag minns, som Clove har Katniss pinnat och är på väg att döda henne, delar de två kvinnorna en del dialog om Rue. Tres hör det här och dödar klofta.

Så, för att omformulera det, klev Clove om döden av Rue och Thres överhörd och dödade henne i sin ilska, men räddade också Katniss för sin tacksamhet mot henne för att ta hand om henne eftersom han och Rue båda är från distriktet 11.

svaret ges 14.05.2012 07:03

Förutom att överhöra konversationen mellan Katniss och Kloven i arenan, kan Thresh också ha märkt att Rue hade "skuggat" Katniss under träningstiderna. Detta kan ge viss trovärdighet till Katniss historia.

Även om jag minns både korrekt tror jag att det var något mer dialog i boken mellan Thresh och Katniss under scenen på arenan. Han frågar henne om det han hörde var sant, som dödade Rue, om Katniss dödade den andra hyllan, etc.

svaret ges 14.05.2012 14:07

Från transkript:

Clove: Now, it's too bad you couldn't help your little friend. That little girl... what was her name again?
Clove: Rue?
Clove: Yeah. Well we killed her. And now... We're gonna kill you...
[Thresh pulls Clove off Katniss, pins her by the neck against the Cornucopia]
Thresh: You kill her?
Clove: No!
Thresh: I HEARD YOU!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: Shout her name!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: Say her name! [Slams Clove against wall until she dies]
Thresh [To Katniss]: Just this time twelve. For Rue!

Hela dialogdelen sker inom 20 sekunder. Tresen grep kluven inom 4 sekunder efter att hon sagt we killed her . Dialogen där Thresh frågar Clove om hon dödade honom [retoriskt], är dämpad av Clove skrikande för Cato , så vidare kan du missa det, men det är klart där. Se klippet nedan.


Så mellan Cloves ord och begreppet Allianser som Tributes tränas att bilda, visste Thres klart vad som hänt.

I boken spelar scenen något annorlunda . Han frågar Katniss om vad Clove sa först innan han bestämde sig för att ge henne en gång:

“Forget it, District Twelve. We’re going to kill you. Just like we did your pathetic little ally . . . what was her name? The one who hopped around in the trees? Rue? Well, first Rue, then you, and then I think we’ll just let nature take care of Lover Boy. How does that sound?” Clove asks. “Now, where to start?”

[Clove plays with her prey, Thresh pulls her up]

When he shouts, I jump, never having heard him speak above a mutter. “What’d you do to that little girl? You kill her?” Clove is scrambling backward on all fours, like a frantic insect, too shocked to even call for Cato. “No! No, it wasn’t me!” “You said her name. I heard you. You kill her?” Another thought brings a fresh wave of rage to his features. “You cut her up like you were going to cut up this girl here?”

[Thresh Kills Clove]

When Thresh whirls around on me, the rock raised, I know it’s no good to run. And my bow is empty, the last loaded arrow having gone in Clove’s direction. I’m trapped in the glare of his strange golden brown eyes. “What’d she mean? About Rue being your ally?” “I — I — we teamed up. Blew up the supplies. I tried to save her, I did. But he got there first. District One,” I say. Maybe if he knows I helped Rue, he won’t choose some slow, sadistic end for me. “And you killed him?” he demands. “Yes. I killed him. And buried her in flowers,” I say. “And I sang her to sleep.” Tears spring in my eyes. The tension, the fight goes out of me at the memory. And I’m overwhelmed by Rue, and the pain in my head, and my fear of Thresh, and the moaning of the dying girl a few feet away. “To sleep?” Thresh says gruffly. “To death. I sang until she died,” I say. “Your district. . . they sent me bread.” My hand reaches up but not for an arrow that I know I’ll never reach. Just to wipe my nose. “Do it fast, okay, Thresh?” Conflicting emotions cross Thresh’s face. He lowers the rock and points at me, almost accusingly. “Just this one time, I let you go. For the little girl. You and me, we’re even then. No more owed. You understand?”

svaret ges 24.11.2015 04:13

Clove: Yeah. Well we killed her. And now... We're gonna kill you... [Thresh pulls Clove off Katniss, pins her by the neck against the Cornucopia]
Thresh: You kill her?
Clove: No!
Thresh: I HEARD YOU!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: Shout her name!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: Say her name! [Slams Clove against wall until she dies]
Thresh [To Katniss]: Just this time twelve. For Rue!

Det här är en liten sak, men jag hör alltid vad Thresh säger till Clove på olika sätt. Jag har alltid trott att Thresh säger "Du sa hennes namn!" medan Clove skriker för Cato. Göra sin dialog:

Thresh: You kill her?
Clove: No!
Thresh: I HEARD YOU!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: You said her name!
Clove: Cato!
Thresh: You said her name!

Har jag haft fel hela tiden?

Också i böckerna (IIRC) talar Katniss lite om "owing" och den dynamiken refereras specifikt angående Threshs beslut att spendera Katniss:

Conflicting emotions cross Thresh’s face. He lowers the rock and points at me, almost accusingly. “Just this one time, I let you go. For the little girl. You and me, we’re even then. No more owed. You understand?” I nod because I do understand. About owing. About hating it. I understand that if Thresh wins, he’ll have to go back and face a district that has already broken all the rules to thank me, and he is breaking the rules to thank me, too. And I understand that, for the moment, Thresh is not going to smash in my skull.

Collins, Suzanne. Hunger Games (Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 1) (s. 288). Scholastic Inc .. Kindle Edition.

svaret ges 17.04.2017 05:59