Vilket är den nuvarande liegelord av flodmarkerna?



  • Petyr Baelish är för närvarande Tridentens Herre Paramount

    It is the wish of the King's Grace that his loyal councillor Petyr Baelish be rewarded for faithful service to crown and realm. Be it known that Lord Baelish is granted the castle of Harrenhal with all its attendant lands and incomes, there to make his seat and rule henceforth as Lord Paramount of the Trident. Petyr Baelish and his sons and grandsons shall hold and enjoy these honors until the end of time, and all the lords of the Trident shall do him homage as their rightful liege.

    -- ACoK Sansa VIII

  • Efter rött bröllop blir Walder Frey överfloden av Riverlands

    ... Two cadet branches of House Frey exist. One holds the seat of Harrenhal and the Lord Paramountcy of the Riverlands the other holds the seat of Riverrun.

    -- Game of Thrones Wikia (To be honest, I can't find text reference for this)

Fråga: Vem är den nuvarande rättfärdiga lordherren av Riverlands som erkänd av den nuvarande "Baratheon" -kronan?

uppsättning gelolopez 13.03.2016 11:47

2 svar


Petyr Baelish.

Låt oss höra det direkt från lejonets mun:

"To be sure," Lord Emmon said. "Ser Jaime, your lord father's faith in me was well placed, you shall see. I mean to be firm but fair with my new vassals. Blackwood and Bracken, Jason Mallister, Vance and Piper, they shall learn that they have a just overlord in Emmon Frey. My father as well, yes. He is the Lord of the Crossing, but I am the Lord of Riverrun. A son has a duty to obey his father, true, but a bannerman must obey his overlord."

Oh, gods be good. "You are not his overlord, ser. Read your parchment. You were granted Riverun with its lands and incomes, no more. Petyr Baelish is the Lord Paramount of the Trident. Riverrun will be subject to the rule of Harrenhal."

-- A Feast for Crows, Chapter 34 ("Jaime V")

Det ser ut som ditt Wikia-citat om Lord Walder Frey är typiskt Wikia-nonsens, eftersom jag inte kunde hitta några bevis för det i texten heller.

svaret ges 13.03.2016 14:13

Det är Petyr Baelish

Baelish fick titeln "Lord Paramount of the Trident" av kronan, vilket gör honom (nominellt) lordherren av Riverlands.

Även om en kadettgren i House Frey upptar Riverrun, Tullys tidigare säte, bör det noteras att titeln på Lord Paramount inte nödvändigtvis måste komma med ett visst hus eller en uppsättning markar. Titeln skänks av kronan som de anser lämpliga.

svaret ges 13.03.2016 12:47