Kan det vara Ulysses 31 ? Dess ursprungliga utgåva var 26 halvtimme-episoder visade från 10 oktober 1981 till 3 april 1982, men Wikipedia listar verkligen sändningar i Storbritannien 1985-2009. Det var ett fransk-japanskt samarbete, så det skulle passa dig och tänka på det som europeiskt och dubbed.
The plot line of the series (made by the French Jean Chalopin) describes the struggles of Ulysses and his crew against the divine entities that rule the universe, the ancient gods from Greek mythology. The Gods of Olympus are angered when Ulysses, commander of the giant spaceship Odyssey, kills the giant Cyclops to save a group of enslaved children, including his son. Zeus sentences Ulysses to travel the universe with his crew frozen until he finds the Kingdom of Hades, at which point his crew will be revived and he will be able to return to Earth. Along the way they encounter numerous other famous figures from Greek mythology who have been given a futuristic twist.
Huvudpersonen är uppkallad efter en mytologisk, och han har ett mycket fullt skägg: