Har "Gårdagens Enterprise" haft en särskilt hög budget?


Jag tittar bara på den här episoden. Med alla ytterligare uppsättningar (ny bro, Enterprise-C) och specialeffekter måste det här avsnittet ha varit ganska dyrt. Utöver det ser vi flera ytterligare krav (bälten, en sorts ny pad) och en hel del bakgrundsaktörer.

Har det någonsin varit någon officiell erkännande av detta faktum? Var detta avsnitt på något sätt speciellt?

uppsättning choeger 16.01.2017 22:23

1 svar


Citerar direkt från " Göra av gårdagens företag av Eric A. Stillwell

Ironically, after everybody had read the script for "Yesterday's Enterprise" the studio agreed to spend a little more on the episode than they normally would spend on an episode (at the time, usually in the neighborhood of $1.2 million dollars, according to Daily Variety). The extra money in the budget allowed departments to do things we never expected they could afford when we were originally writing the story. A portion of the budget would go toward the extraordinary guest cast, including Whoopi Goldberg, Denise Crosby and Trisha O'Neil.

Still, Trent and I were both surprised to discover that the entire Bridge of the Enterprise would be remodeled for the alternate universe sequences in the episode - at enormous expense. The producers were going all out to make the production values on this episode exceptional. They also knew by now that this episode would air during the critical February Sweeps, so the studio was willing to spend extra money to attract solid ratings. The ratings on sweeps episodes are critical to setting the benchmark for the advertising fees a studio or network will be able to demand for the rest of the season for that particular series. Since Star Trek: The Next Generation was syndicated directly by the studio to independent TV stations across the country, the success of "Yesterday's Enterprise" would play a crucial role in determining how much advertising revenue would be generated from future episodes of the series.

Ingen specifik figur identifieras men baserat på showens ytterligare gjutningar och uppsättningar, skulle det inte vara för långt utanför verklighetens rike att föreställa sig att episoden kostar så mycket som 2-3 normala episoder, även om mycket av denna utgift (t.ex. uppsättningar och uniformer) skulle återvinnas i framtida episoder.

svaret ges 16.01.2017 23:07