Har skogsvirke har någonsin använts som material?


Weirwoods är heliga träd som oftast finns i norr, även om de en gång spred sig över Westeros. Jag antar att de gamla gudarna skulle vara upprörd om de skars ned för att användas som vanligt trä. Har weirwood någonsin använts som material, antingen i böcker eller tv-program?

uppsättning Edlothiad 09.02.2018 16:28

3 svar


TLDR: Ja, även om det är ett sällsyntt och dyrt material

Långt svar:

Weirwood sägs vara en mycket bra trä, som inte ens rotnar:

It was a weirwood ancient and colossal, ten times the size of the one in the Stone Garden at Casterly Rock. This tree was bare and dead, though. "The Brackens poisoned it," said his host. "For a thousand years it has not shown a leaf. In another thousand it will have turned to stone, the maesters say. Weirwoods never rot."

A Dance with Dragons - Jaime I

Det finns flera användningar av virketrädet:

Som material för vapen:

  • Brynden Rivers 'bow:

    Brynden Rivers, A.K.A. Bloodraven använde en weirwood longbow, tillsammans med hans privata vakter, The Raven's Teeth.

    From Maidenpool had come Lord Mooton, from Raventree Lord Blackwood, from Duskendale Lord Darklyn. The royal demenses about King's Landing sent forth Hayfords, Rosbys, Stokeworths, Masseys, and the king's own sworn swords, led by three knights of the Kingsguard and stiffened by three hundred Raven's Teeth with tall white weirwood bows. Mad Danelle Lothston herself rode forth in strength from her haunted towers at Harrenhal, clad in black armor that fit her like an iron glove, her long red hair streaming. The light of the rising sun glittered off the points of five hundred lances and ten times as many spears. The night's grey banners were reborn in half a hundred gaudy colors. And above them all flew two regal dragons on night-black fields: the great three-headed beast of King Aerys I Targaryen, red as fire, and a white winged fury breathing scarlet flame. Not Maekar after all, Dunk knew, when he saw those banners. The banners of the Prince of Summerhall showed four three-headed dragons, two and two, the arms of the fourth-born son of the late King Daeron II Targaryen. A single white dragon announced the presence of the King's Hand, Lord Brynden Rivers. Bloodraven himself had come to Whitewalls.

    The Mystery Knight

  • BowsoftheForestsChildren:

    "They were a people dark and beautiful, small of stature, no taller than children even when grown to manhood. They lived in the depths of the wood, in caves and crannogs and secret tree towns. Slight as they were, the children were quick and graceful. Male and female hunted together, with weirwood bows and flying snares. Their gods were the gods of the forest, stream, and stone, the old gods whose names are secret. Their wise men were called greenseers, and carved strange faces in the weirwoods to keep watch on the woods. How long the children reigned here or where they came from, no man can know.

    A Game of Thrones - Bran VII

  • Ygritte'sbow:


    Ygritte trotted beside Jon as he slowed his garron to a walk. She claimed to be three years older than him, though she stood half a foot shorter; however old she might be, the girl was a tough little thing. Stonesnake had called her a "spearwife" when they'd captured her in the Skirling Pass. She wasn't wed and her weapon of choice was a short curved bow of horn and weirwood, but "spearwife" fit her all the same. She reminded him a little of his sister Arya, though Arya was younger and probably skinnier. It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be, with all the furs and skins she wore.

    A Storm of Swords - Jon II

  • Styrspjut:


    It was then that he saw Styr. The Magnar was climbing up the barricade, over the gutted corn sacks and smashed barrels and the bodies of friends and foe alike. His bronze scale armor gleamed darkly in the firelight. Styr had taken off his helm to survey the scene of his triumph, and the bald earless whoreson was smiling. In his hand was a long weirwood spear with an ornate bronze head.

    A Storm of Swords - Jon VII


  • Kingsguardsmötesbord

    The table itself was old weirwood, pale as bone, carved in the shape of a huge shield supported by three white stallions.

    A Storm of Swords, Jaime VIII

  • Eyriestron

    The wretched boy had started it, looking down on him from a throne of carved weirwood beneath the moon-and-falcon banners of House Arryn. [...] Lady Lysa rose from her weirwood throne.

    A Game of Thrones - Tyrion V

  • Eyriemånadsdörr

    Her small mouth twitched in a petulant smile. "If you are tried and found to be guilty of the crimes for which you stand accused, then by the king's own laws, you must pay with your life's blood. We keep no headsman in the Eyrie, my lord of Lannister. Open the Moon Door." The press of spectators parted. A narrow weirwood door stood between two slender marble pillars, a crescent moon carved in the white wood.

    A Game of Thrones - Tyrion V

  • BlackGateofNightfort

    A turn or two later Sam stopped suddenly. He was a quarter of the way around the well from Bran and Hodor and six feet farther down, yet Bran could barely see him. He could see the door, though. The Black Gate, Sam had called it, but it wasn't black at all. It was white weirwood, and there was a face on it. A glow came from the wood, like milk and moonlight, so faint it scarcely seemed to touch anything beyond the door itself, not even Sam standing right before it. The face was old and pale, wrinkled and shrunken. It looks dead. Its mouth was closed, and its eyes; its cheeks were sunken, its brow withered, its chin sagging. If a man could live for a thousand years and never die but just grow older, his face might come to look like that.

    A Storm of Swords - Bran IV

  • TheHouseofBlackandWhite:EnportiBlackandWhiteHouseärgjordavvävträ,denandrabönenärgjordavebenholt.stolarnaärocksågjordaavvävträ

svaret ges 09.02.2018 16:38


Dunk kommer över en byggnad där spärrarna är gjorda av virvelträd.

They seated the hedge knights well below the salt, closer to the doors than to the dais. Whitewalls was almost new as castles went, having been raised a mere forty years ago by the grandsire of its present lord. The smallfolk hereabouts called it the Milk house, for its walls and keeps and towers were made of finely dressed white stone, quarried in the Vale and brought over the mountains at great expense. Inside were floors and pillars of milky white marble veined with gold; the rafters overhead were carved from the bone-pale trunks of weirwoods. Dunk could not begin to imagine what all of that had cost.
The Mystery Knight

Det nämns också att vävträ kan användas som ett material för bågar.

From Maidenpool had come Lord Mooton, from Raventree Lord Blackwood, from Duskendale Lord Darklyn. The royal demenses about King's Landing sent forth Hayfords, Rosbys, Stokeworths, Masseys, and the king's own sworn swords, led by three knights of the Kingsguard and stiffened by three hundred Raven's Teeth with tall white weirwood bows.
The Mystery Knight

Vi ser också vävspyd, Styr har ett i möte med Jon.

It was then that he saw Styr. The Magnar was climbing up the barricade, over the gutted corn sacks and smashed barrels and the bodies of friends and foe alike. His bronze scale armor gleamed darkly in the firelight. Styr had taken off his helm to survey the scene of his triumph, and the bald earless whoreson was smiling. In his hand was a long weirwood spear with an ornate bronze head.
A Storm of Swords, Jon VII

Kingsguards mötesbord är gjord av vävträ.

The table itself was old weirwood, pale as bone, carved in the shape of a huge shield supported by three white stallions.
A Storm of Swords, Jaime VIII

Månadörren och tronen i Eyrie är gjorda av växtträ.

The press of spectators parted. A narrow weirwood door stood between two slender marble pillars, a crescent moon carved in the white wood.
A Game of Thrones, Tyrion V

The wretched boy had started it, looking down on him from a throne of carved weirwood beneath the moon-and-falcon banners of House Arryn.

Det finns också andra exempel; se Wiki på is och eld sida för en mer fullständig uppdelning dock.

svaret ges 09.02.2018 16:36

Harrenhal. I Clash of Kings berättar Catelyns onkel att King Harren Black ville ha det högsta slottet och tillbringade 40 år med att bygga Harrenhal. Weirwoods klipptes ner för balkar och takbjälkar.

svaret ges 02.02.2019 05:33