Is Moffat lämnar Doctor Who?


Jag har hört det som rykte från några vänner, men kan det verkligen hända? Finns det en trovärdig källa som validerar detta krav? Varför lämnar han också, och vem ska ersätta honom? Jag är ganska bekymrad över trivseln hos en av mina favorit TV-program.

uppsättning Conor O'Brien 16.03.2016 23:34

1 svar


Ja, Moffat lämnar Doctor Who i slutet av 2017.

Från denna artikel officiellt släppt av BBC själv:

The head writer and executive producer of Doctor Who, Steven Moffat, is to step down from the show, the BBC has confirmed.

His last series will go out in spring 2017 following a Christmas special, after which he will be replaced by Broadchurch writer Chris Chibnall.


"At the start of season 11, Chris Chibnall will become the new showrunner of Doctor Who. And I will be thrown in a skip."

Den här artikeln från Cinema Blend bekräftar att Moffat kommer att stanna för 2017 julen speciell såväl som föregående Serie 10:

Steven Moffat has been the showrunner on Doctor Who since 2010, but the long-running series is about to go through a slew of changes. Not only is current lead Peter Capaldi getting a brand new companion in Pearl Mackie during Season 10, but Steven Moffat is also preparing to step down as the showrunner on the series. Now, we finally know when the changeover is going to take place, but it looks as if it won’t happen for a while, yet. Steven Moffat just confirmed he will not be stepping down as soon as Season 10 ends. Instead, he will stick around for the Christmas special in 2017, as well.

svaret ges 16.03.2016 23:34