Polish språk i Schindlers lista


I filmen "Schindlers lista" talar folk mestadels på engelska och tyska. Eftersom filmen handlar om judar och tyskar i Polen, borde de prata på jiddisch / polska och tyska.

Jag kan förstå att de inte ville använda historiskt / geografiskt korrekta språk (det här är vanligt i många filmer) och de bytte till engelska och tyska.

Men då och då kan du höra ett polskt ord som låter av - varför har de bestämt sig för att använda det här språket?

uppsättning styrofoam fly 23.06.2017 17:18

1 svar


Enligt Wikipedia :

Spielberg occasionally used German and Polish language in scenes to recreate the feeling of being present in the past. He initially considered making the film entirely in those languages, but decided "there's too much safety in reading. It would have been an excuse to take their eyes off the screen and watch something else."

Citatet kommer från den här intervjun med Susan Royal för Inside Film :

Susan Royal: Originally you wanted to shoot it in Polish and German and use subtitles. You didn't do that but you use a certain amount of German and Polish in the film.

Steven Spielberg: I had Germans speaking German and Poles speaking Polish only on certain occasions when I wanted to pretty much show what it was like and what it sounded like and then only let those moments come across in English where I had to make a point.

Susan Royal: Now that you see it, do you think that was a better decision than going with subtitles?

Steven Spielberg: Yeah, I think so. Because I wanted people to watch the images, not read the subtitles. There's too much safety in reading. It would have been an excuse to take their eyes off the screen and watch something else.

svaret ges 23.06.2017 17:37