Vad är den stora kostym som stannar oljeplattan från att sjunka i Iron Man 3 kallad?


I Iron Man 3 finns en kort glimt av en stor Iron Man-kostym som används för att hålla oljerigget sjunkande.

Vad heter den här kostymen och vad används den för?

uppsättning prototypeweasel 07.11.2013 01:22

2 svar


"Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing!" ―Tony ordering Jarvis to make Igor hold the oil rig in place, to keep it from collapsing.

Mark 38: Igor - The Heavy Lifting Suit :

Per Iron Man wiki:

The suit earned it's name the Igor, beacuse it has a similar resemblance to a hunchback, having a slouched and bulky appearance, just like that of an "Igor". It specializes in lifting heavy objects such as debris, and is capable of tremendous strength and power.

svaret ges 07.11.2013 02:27


Designed for heavy duty tasks that his standard armors cannot handle, TONY STARK creates the HEAVY DUTY BRUTE ARMOR with sheer strength in mind. Equipped with state of the art hydraulic systems powered by a modified ARC REACTOR.

A.K.A the Hulkbuster Armor. Not explicitly termed as the Hulkbuster though, since that's not the intended purpose. It's prototype is the Mk. XXII / v.01, and is smaller and more humanoid.

This armor enables IRON MAN to take on the strongest enemies.

The Brute can be seen in the final scene of the new Iron Man 3 trailer and is clearly inspired by Stark's meeting with Bruce Banner in The Avengers.

REF: SCREENRANT Iron Man 3 Armor Listings


Hulkbuster var en modulär tillägg, en del av Starks Modular Armor och först dök upp i Iron Man # 304 (maj 1994). Dräkten ökade kraftigt Iron Man-armorns fysiska kapacitet, var lagrad med ytterligare kompositpansar och dessutom härdad mot gammastrålning.

svaret ges 07.11.2013 01:40