Starling och hennes vän, Ardelia Mapp, har en konversation (efter scenen där Lecter undviker vårdnad). Staling noterar att Lecter sa att "allt vi behöver för att fånga honom är här på dessa sidor". efterföljande dialog går så här:
Ardelia Mapp: Is this Lecter's handwriting? "Clarice, doesn't this random scattering of sites seem desperately random - like the elaborations of a bad liar? Ta, Hannibal Lecter."
Clarice Starling: "Desperately random." What does he mean?
Ardelia Mapp: Not random at all, maybe. Like there's some pattern here...?
Clarice Starling: But there is no pattern or the computers would've nailed it. They're even found in random order.
Ardelia Mapp: Random because of the one girl. The one he weighted down.
Clarice Starling: Oh, Fredrica Bimmel, from... Belvedere, Ohio. First girl taken, third body found. Why?
Ardelia Mapp: 'Cause she didn't drift. He weighted her down.
Clarice Starling: What did Lecter say about...?First principles"?
Ardelia Mapp: Simplicity...
Clarice Starling: What does this guy do, he "covets". How do we first start to covet?
Ardelia Mapp: "We covet what we see -"
Clarice Starling: " - every day."
Ardelia Mapp: Hot damn, Clarice.
Clarice Starling: He knew her.
Så vet Starling att Bimmel är nyckeln och att mördaren är mycket sannolikt en lokal. Hon fortsätter till Belvedere, Ohio till Bimmel hem där hon undersöker tjejens rum.
En annan IMDb FAQ ger en detaljerad beskrivning av följande händelser:
Following Lecter's advice -- that Bill covets that which he sees everyday -- Clarice drives to Belvedere, Ohio to talk with the parents and friends of the first victim, Frederika Bimmel. In looking over Frederika's bedroom, Clarice notices the the triangular gussets on Frederika's dresses match the pieces of skin Bill cut from one of his victims. Clarice calls Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn) to inform him that Bill is making a "woman suit" of real skin. Crawford is already in route to Chicago, having identified Bill as Jame Gumb, but they find that the house where he's supposedly living has been abandoned. Clarice continues to poke around in Belvedere and is eventually led to the house of "old Mrs Littman." Mrs Littman doesn't live there any more, but the current resident, who calls himself Jack Gordon, offers to give her Mrs Littman's son's business card and invites Clarice inside to wait. When she notices spools of thread and a Death's-Head moth, she realizes that Jack Gordon is really Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb. She pulls her gun on him, but Gumb leads her on a wild goose chase into the basement, where he has Catherine Martin imprisoned in a well. Gumb dons a night vision mask and turns out the lights, leaving Clarice to feel around in the dark. When he makes the mistake of cocking his gun, Clarice shoots him. Catherine is subsequently rescued. In the final scenes, Clarice is shown graduating from the Academy. At the party that follows, she receives a phone call from Lecter, calling from the airport on the island of Bimini in the Bahamas. He assures her that he's not about to come looking for her and requests that she extend him the same courtesy, which Clarice cannot do, of course. He then says that he must hang up because "I'm having an old friend for dinner," as he watches Dr. Frederick Chilton deplane.
Medan tecknen i filmen kanske har sagt fru Littman, använder undertexten och boken båda fru Lippman.
För att sammanfatta ytterligare, när Starling kommer till mördarens hus, vet hon redan några saker om honom förutom sin psykologiska profil:
- Han är skräddare / klädtillverkare.
- Han har en sak för fjärilar / moths och är känd för att ha höjt en dödshuvudmoth.
- Han har en sak för "stora stora fett" människor.
- Han använder alias med samma initialer (J och G).
Var och en av dessa kryssrutor tickas under sitt möte med mördaren som leder till hennes epiphany.