I universum tror på cape sin låga (medelklass) uppväxt. Rogue One: Ultimate Visual Guide framhäver att han är ...
not of the principled Coruscanti classes, able to verbally parry and weave in debates
och ändå beskrivs hans cape som en
Aristocratic tailored cape.
Alla som föreslår en man som försöker mycket hårt genom sina klädval att skildra sig som en högre klass än han verkligen är. Naturligtvis ser Tarkin och Vader omedelbart igenom detta och behandlar honom som ett användbart underordnat snarare än som en potentiell lika.
Detta säkerhetskopieras av Star Wars Made Easy faktaboken.
Unlike most of the high-ranking officers in the Empire, Krennic isn't a posh guy from a privileged background. He probably feels like the cape gives him a touch of class. And given that Darth Vader wears one all the time, no one's really going to argue with that, are they?
Star Wars Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Utanför universum valdes designvalet för att skilja Krennic från Vader , men ändå hylla den ursprungliga cinematographyen
StarWars.com: I asked Gareth about connecting Rogue One visually to A New Hope, and he mentioned how in the opening scene he used an inversion — in A New Hope you have Darth Vader flanked by white stormtroopers, and here you have Krennic in white flanked by black death troopers. Was there more of that throughout the design process?
Doug Chiang: Yeah. I love those inverses, because Gareth always described Rogue One, the storyline, as the inverse of Episode IV. Whereas in Episode IV, you had a farm boy who dreamt of being a warrior, for Rogue One, it was the warrior who dreamt to go back to the home life. So you already have, story-wise, a reversal, and even character arc-wise, a reversal. So it was an idea to play with that visually, and it’s a fun thing because it’s a motif that’s in there. In my mind, when you layer those in there, it adds more depth to the movie.
How did Gareth [Edwards] make sure this movie synced visually with Episode IV, which was made 40 years ago? Making inversions was a big tool. “[Episode IV] started with a guy in black surrounded by guys in white. We do the opposite.”