How dödar Oddjob faktiskt människor?


I Goldfinger slår Oddjob sin hatt och skär av en statyts huvud tidigt i flimmen. Senare kastar han dock sin hatt på en flyktig tjej och det slår henne i nacken, hon faller död. Hur exakt är hon döende, eftersom hennes huvud fortfarande är knutet och inga andra bevis?

uppsättning King of NES 27.08.2018 22:07

1 svar


1964-skriptet som auktoriserats av Bonhams i 2014 anger inte hennes metod för dödsfall:

    Bowler hitting TILLY's neck. She crashes to the ground, lies still.

    Gun empty now. CAMERA PANS WITH HIM as he runs to TILLY, HOLDS as he reaches her. He kneels down beside her, turns her over. She is dead.....

  • Detmestsannolikafalletärverkligenavskalning,omänutanhuvudetsavrättning.Namnlösa:Ettskarptslagmotryggradenkanavbrytaryggradenochorsakadödenmedandulämnarnackenintakt,en Atlanto-occipital dislocation .

    Atlanto-occipital dislocation, orthopedic decapitation, or internal decapitation describes ligamentous separation of the spinal column from the skull base. It is possible for a human to survive such an injury; however, only 30% of cases do not result in immediate death. It should not be confused with atlanto-axial dislocation which describes ligamentous separation between the first and second cervical vertebra.


    The injury is a result of disruption of the stabilizing ligaments between the occiput, or posterior skull base, and the C1 vertebral body, otherwise known as the atlas. The diagnosis is usually suspected by history and physical exam, but confirmed by imaging, typically by CT due to its faster speed in the acute trauma setting, although MRI can also help with assessment in equivocal cases. The treatment is initial stabilization with a cervical spine collar, and then surgical intervention in cases in which reversal of paralysis is possible. The most common mechanism of injury is high-speed motor vehicle accidents. The injury is more likely in children due to the large size of their heads relative to their bodies, and more horizontal orientation of the occipital condyles. It represents <1% of all cervical spine injuries.

    svaret ges 27.08.2018 22:16