How stark / skarp är Celestial Bronze


Hur stark / skarp är himmelsk brons i Percy Jackson universum jämfört med dödliga vapen? Och finns det ett universums exempel?

uppsättning Liam Brown 04.04.2015 15:20

1 svar


Jag ser ingenting i böckerna för att föreslå att det är drastiskt skarpare än vanliga metaller, men det har vissa bestämda udda befogenheter när de bärs av ett magiskt sådant som en gud eller en demi-gud.

Det skär inte människor.

The sword is celestial bronze. Forged by the Cyclopes, tempered in the heart of Mount Etna, cooled in the River Lethe. It’s deadly to monsters, to any creature from the Underworld, provided they don’t kill you first. But the blade will pass through mortals like an illusion. They simply are not important enough for the blade to kill.

Det är inte ostoppbart

Percy försöker döda en chimera. Bladet blinkar av en rhinestone:

Riptide was now a shining bronze blade in my hands, and as the Chimera turned, I slashed at its neck. That was my fatal mistake. The blade sparked harmlessly off the dog collar. I tried to regain my balance, but I was so worried about defending myself against the fiery lion’s mouth, I completely forgot about the serpent tail until it whipped around and sank its fangs into my calf.

Men det kan skära genom trä, Celestial Bronze Armor och tunt rörstål:

We fought through the hearth, kicking up coals and sparks. Kronos slashed an armrest off the throne of Ares, which was okay by me, but then he backed me up to my dad’s throne. ‘Oh, yes,’ Kronos said. ‘This one will make fine kindling for my new hearth!’ Our blades clashed in a shower of sparks. He was stronger than me, but for the moment I felt the power of the ocean in my arms. I pushed him back and struck again – slashing Riptide across his breastplate so hard I cut a gash in the celestial bronze.


Luke hacked downwards and I rolled behind a deckchair. I tried to stand, but my leg wouldn’t take the weight.
‘Perrrrrcy!’ Grover bleated.
I rolled again as Luke’s sword slashed the deckchair in half, metal pipes and all.

svaret ges 10.04.2015 23:16