Vad är skrivet på Agent Hanaways ring i Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol?


Vad är skrivet på Agent Hanaways ring och vad betyder det?

uppsättning Android developer 27.09.2013 19:53

1 svar


Wikipedia till räddningen. På sidan " Uppdrag: Omöjligt - Ghostprotokoll " har vi:

Bird, having directed several Disney and Pixar films and short films, incorporated the trademark "A113" into the movie on two separate occasions. The first is the design print on Agent Hanaway's ring during the flashback sequence, and the second being when Hunt calls in for support and uses the drop callsign, Alpha 1-1-3.

Så, vad är det här "A113"? Återigen är Wikipedia smart. Låt oss se sidan " A113 ":

A113 (sometimes A-113 or A1-13) is an inside joke present as an Easter egg in animated films created by alumni of California Institute of the Arts, referring to the classroom number used by graphic design and character animation students at the school that was used by John Lasseter and Brad Bird among others. Brad Bird first used it for a license plate number in the "Family Dog" episode of Amazing Stories. It has since appeared in other Disney movies and every Pixar movie.

svaret ges 28.09.2013 01:15