Din GM tänker på Glaucite
Glaucite är det material som hittades när Divinity (rymdskeppet) kraschade i Golarion, bland annat skymetals, och enligt informationen som publiceras under Iron Gods äventyrsbanan smidsteknik är exklusiv för medlemmar i Technic League.
Det finns lite information om det på Pathfinder wiki , under Adamantine :
Glaucite is a dark and dull grey alloy of iron and adamantine and is pretty much what is meant when 'Numerian steel' is discussed rather than pure adamantine. It is used in the creation of spaceships, hence its relative abundance in Numeria where the spaceship Divinity crashed during the Rain of Stars. Abstracting the pure adamantine from glaucite is prohibitively expensive, so rarely performed. Glaucite is equivalent to steel for weapon and armour manufacture in its properties, but tremendously more difficult to fashion—three times more expensive to do so—and it weighs 50% more than steel: it is, therefore, rarely used for armour or weapons except for affectation. In addition to spaceships, glaucite is the material of choice for crafting robot frames.
För att svara på titelfrågan: Nej, det är inte . Från samma wikisida vet vi att:
In the ancient Thassilonian Empire, adamantine was associated with transmutation magic, generosity, and greed, most likely because it was the most sought-after and valuable of the skymetals.
Så inte bara Adamantine har funnits i århundraden, det är sällsynt, kunskapen om smedning är inget nytt i Golarion.