Det finns ett par fina citat från text 10 i " Middle Earths historia " (Morgoth's Ring) som direkt ta upp frågan om ork odödlighet och livstid:
"They needed food and drink, and rest, though many were by training as tough as Dwarves in enduring hardship. They could be slain, and they were subject to disease; but apart from these ills they died and were not immortal, even according to the manner of the Quendi; indeed they appear to have been by nature short-lived compared with the span of Men of higher race, such as the Edain"
Robert Foster s " Komplett guide till Middle Earth " konstaterar att den genomsnittliga Edain-livslängden är mellan 70 och 90 år, vilket föreslår att den genomsnittliga Orc-livslängden (barriär sjukdom och skada) är någonstans runt 60 år .
Det verkar som att det faktum att vissa (odödliga) maiar var poserar som Orker gav upphov till myten att Orc Race var odödlig ...
This last point was not well understood in the Elder Days. For Morgoth had many servants, the oldest and most potent of whom were immortal, belonging indeed in their beginning to the Maiar; and these evil spirits like their Master could take on visible forms. Those whose business it was to direct the Orcs often took Orkish shapes, though they were greater and more terrible. Thus it was that the histories speak of Great Orcs or Orc-captains who were not slain, and who reappeared in battle through years far longer than the span of the lives of Men.