För sin långa period av amnesi på jorden tillbringade Corwin mycket av sin tid som herre i en skugga som kallades Avalon. Jag tror att den första hänvisningen till detta finns i Nine Princes in Amber , när Bleys säger:
"It is rumored that you once commanded troops. Where are they?”
I turned away from him. “They are no more,” I said. “I am certain.”
“Could you not find a Shadow of your Shadow?”
“I don't want to try,” I said. “I'm sorry.”
Men i slutet av boken bestämmer han sig för att söka efter allt:
I had set sail for a land near as sparkling as Amber itself, an almost
immortal place, a place that did not really exist, not any longer. It
was a place which had vanished into Chaos ages ago, but of which a
Shadow must somewhere survive.
Skuggan heter inte till den andra boken, Avalons vapen .
I den boken citerar Corwin en sång som han skrev:
"Beyond the River of the Blessed, there we sat down, yea, we wept,
when we remembered Avalon. Our swords were shattered in our hands and
we hung our shields on the oak tree. The silver towers were fallen,
into a sea of blood. How many miles to Avalon? None, I say, and all.
The silver towers are fallen.' "
Så: Indikeras var som helst vad som hände med Avalon?