Can det finns flera Jack Harkness?


I Torchwood Säsong 3 aka Barn av jorddag 2 vi ser att Jack "sprider" från sina rester, nämligen en arm, en axel och en huvudrester. (Efter att ha blivit uppblåst av en bomb i magen) Om dessa rester fortfarande var separerade skulle varje del växa till en ny Jack Harkness?

uppsättning Adeetya 19.12.2013 14:35

1 svar


Nej. Kapten Jack Harkness ' förmåga att återvända från ett dödsliknande tillstånd är inte en biologisk process som liknar Wolverines regenerativa förmåga .

  • Jack Harkness kan inte dö. Eller kanske ska vi omdefiniera detta som "han kan inte vara död". Vilket villkor som gör honom död, ogiltigförklaras och han återvänder till livet. Hans tillstånd beror på en felaktig användning av Temporal Vortex som applicerats av Rose Tyler.
  • Since his resurrection by the Bad Wolf entity, (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Jack could die and come back to life almost instantly, (TV: Everything Changes onwards) although on occasion his resurrection was delayed if he experienced enough trauma. This would cause his body to deteriorate from the slow healing, such as suffering the pallor of a corpse. (TV: End of Days, Children of Earth: Day One)

  • Harkness could also re-grow his whole body. After a bomb that was planted in his stomach exploded, he was able to fully regenerate from just an arm, a shoulder, and part of his head in a bit over twelve hours. His bones grew back first, followed by his internal organs, and lastly his skin, and it would appear that he retained all his memories and knowledge as well.



  • Wolverine is a mutant with a number of both natural and artificial improvements to his physiology. His primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process, typically referred to as his mutant healing factor, that regenerates damaged or destroyed tissues of his body far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human. This power facilitated the artificial improvements he was subjected to under the Weapon X program (in later comics called the Weapon Plus program), in which his skeleton was reinforced with the virtually indestructible metal adamantium.
  • VårnuvarandeerfarenhetsägerattJackHarknessåtervändertilllivet,UNDAMAGED,vilketindikerareneventuellåtergångtillentidigaretidssituation.Menoavsetthansskickkommerhanattåteruppståochsannoliktfortsättatillshanlöperutigen.Attdömaavhansnästanförstördakroppshändelse,tenderarjagattgåmedhonomochåtervändafrånentillståndavtemporalnåd,oavsetthurhandör.

  • Harknessskulleinteskapafleraversioneravsigsjälvomhanblivitfullständigtblåstihopmenintesönderdelad.Konstigtnog,ävenomhanfullständigtförstördes,skullehanpånågotsättåteruppstå,troligenvarhanförstördes.Atthahaftsåmångadödsfallsomhanharupplevt,omdetvarmöjligtförattdetskullehavaritfleraversioneravgenomregenerering,skullehanhaupplevtdetnu.Se: Dödsfall

  • Han har dock upplevt flera temporala versioner av sig själv. Se: Flera knektar

  • Due to Jack's immortality and time travel, there were several occasions in which several Jacks existed on Earth at the same time. At the time of Jack's first encounter with the Ninth Doctor in World War II, there were three versions on Earth: the young mortal Jack who subsequently joined the Ninth Doctor and Rose; (TV: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances) the immortal Jack working for Torchwood (location at this point in time unknown); (TV: Utopia, TV: Fragments) and a still older Jack being kept in cryogenic sleep at the Torchwood Three Hub in Cardiff. (TV: Exit Wounds) Later, when the Doctor, Rose, and Jack arrived in Cardiff prior to the Blaidd Drwg power station incident, they were only feet away from the Torchwood Three Hub where the older Jack was based and the cryogenically frozen Jack awaited resurrection. (TV: Boom Town, TV: Exit Wounds)
svaret ges 20.12.2013 04:06