Finns det en officiell Street Fighter kanon?


Meddelandet om ett nytt Street Fighter TV-serier fick mig att undra, vad anses "officiell" canon i "Street Fighter Universe" ? Finns det något sådant? Min gissning är att varje egendom i grund och botten har gjort vad de vill ha och det finns ingen enda regelbok att följa, men det är möjligt att en del ansträngningar har gjorts (av Capcom?) För att hålla sakerna konsekventa. Finns det nivåer eller nivåer som Star Wars brukade ha?

Det är alltid baserat runt turneringen genom Vega / M. Bison , men varje iteration har lagt till nya tecken och spunna det lite annorlunda. Vilka historier representerar den enda sant Street Fighter tidslinjen?

uppsättning Z. Cochrane 03.04.2018 16:02

1 svar


Gamla egenskaper (före 2016)

Kort sagt är det en stor stor (och ofta motstridiga) röra men förhoppningsvis en som bör förbättras under de närmaste åren, med Capcom som tar ett mycket större intresse för att skapa ett sammanhängande "universum", enligt "direktör för publicering" för Udon Publishing , den officiella utgivaren av den nuvarande Street Fighter-tidningen.

Matt Moylan: If it was in a manual maybe or even in a Japanese [manual]. Some people say if it's in the games it's canon but even then like a lot of the games contradict each other. A lot of alpha games have like 'what if' endings which obviously even within the game can't all make sense so I mean it's hard. It's really tough to say what is what's canon for street fighter that's why I like the word 'lore' is it can bring in and all these different ideas from different continuities where this [is from] the mangas or the comics or the games or the anime.

Maybe even you even asked a Capcom about this before, I know right now they're kind of trying to make an effort since they started the games again

Transcript edited for ease of reading



Enligtskaparenav Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist och Street Fighter: Uppståndelse Joey Ansah, det finns nu en strikt kanon som måste följas. Karaktärens bakhistorier måste observeras, även där den kanonen är "cartoony" eller ger ingen logisk mening. Tyvärr finns det ingen serie "bibel" som kan hänvisas till, så den sista arbiteraren av canon är Capcoms samverkan med spel- och tv-seriens utvecklare.

How much liberty do you have when you're writing the story, or do you mostly have to stay within the parameters of Capcom’s existing universe?

Joey Ansah: My kind of boat is about being true to the canon. I think what pissed a lot of people off about the two movies that came out is that they completely went off-piece and took huge liberties. They were turning it into something else that's no longer Street Fighter. It's a vague interpretation of Street Fighter. It goes without saying that adhering to the canon is a must. And sometimes the canon that Capcom have created is f%#king ridiculous. I have to be quite inventive to make that work in a believable, intelligent way. That's part of the fun, part of the challenge. Elements in the Street Fighter story are quite cartoony and not very deep.

Capcom trusts me now, which is nice. Resurrection has been the hardest to do, because at least with Assassin's Fist, there have been anime series and official comic books that have told elements of Ken and Ryu's early years, so there is at least some established canon for what has happened. When I tried to do Resurrection, which is like a prologue for Street Fighter V and set after Street Fighter IV, there's a big question mark for what has gone on there.


There were things I wanted to put in that I had to change to fit the canon. It was hard because it's not like Capcom gave me a special story book saying here's all the new canon, six or seven months before the game comes out. I had to ask questions and they would say, "Yes, this is canon" or "No, the direction you're going in is counter to the canon." They wouldn't really give specifics.

We chat to Street Fighter: Resurrection director and writer Joey Ansah

Joey erbjöd också ytterligare en beskrivning av vad Capcom anser kanon i Street Fighter universum; de officiella spelen, prologerna och epilogerna i spelen, men inte anime-serierna, filmfilmerna eller crossover-spelen.

This is multi-generational story. We know Ken and Ryu after two decades fighting alongside them. But outside combat, how do you get into their headspace?

Where does one begin? ...We wanted to create the definitive backstory. The story in the Street Fighter universe is very fractured. You had Street Fighter and that tournament, Ryu beating Sagat at the end, so you've a bit of narrative there. The anime then retro-fitted in that [Sagat] got the scar from Ryu. Then they retro-fitted that in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Akuma comes in. And they say "okay, he killed Ryu and Ken's master, and was that master's brother". Then there's a long time before Gouken, Ryu and Ken's master, is given a name. So the story's been retro-fitted as its moved forward.

So we've tried to take what's regarded as canon by Capcom, what appears in the prologues and epilogues of the games. The Capcom-endorsed and sanctioned animes, although they are official Capcom stuff, they're not regarded as canon, all of what's in there.

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist Interview

svaret ges 03.04.2018 19:48