Vad hände med Yemis lik?


I Förlorad avsnittet "Kostnaden för levande", är Mr Eko överraskad över att hans bror Yemi lik har försvunnit. Vad hände med det?

uppsättning Enrique Moreno Tent 10.06.2015 11:41

1 svar


Det är ett solidt faktum i förlorat det Mannen i svart har morphing ability . Jag tror att berättelsen om vad som hände som ledde till Ekos död lämnar lite tvivel om att mannen i svart antingen hade tagit bort, bortskaffat eller tagit kontroll över Yemi för att manipulera Eko (from Lostpedia ):

However, Eko found that his brother's body was no longer in the plane. Eko saw Yemi once more appearing in dirty clothing and chased him into an open field. There, Eko confessed that he had not sinned to his brother. Eko stated, he did not ask for the life he was given, but it had been given nonetheless. And with it, he did the best he could. Eko also mentioned his sacrifice for Yemi when they were young.

Eko delivers his last message before his death. However, what appeared to be Yemi announced, he was not Eko's brother. Then, the person who appeared like Yemi disappeared into the jungle, with Eko in hot pursuit.

Manipulationen skulle inte ha fungerat lika bra om kroppen fortfarande skulle ha varit i planet.

svaret ges 10.06.2015 16:50