Bara trodde att jag skulle lägga till detta eftersom det inte nämnts ännu och är rättvist på ett sätt som är kraftfullare än Exterminatus!
Det finns spoilers här om du inte har läst boken Velador .
Jag presenterar Fireheart Dun dun darhhh!!!
Detta vapen har en kraftfull sköld som blockerar andra från att deaktiveras. Det var en relik från de gamla Eldar ära dagarna.
När du mottar fireheart:
His impossibly wide grin grew wider. "Well, unless circumstances necessitate. Anyway, the nature of the problem was presented to us by the dancing fools, that you lacked a weapon of sufficient potency to incinerate the planet properly. My Lord Vect, in his infinite wisdom, proceeded directly to his grand armoury and produced this." Sarnak’s awful face disappeared, and a monolithic device, tall as a Revenant, took its place. Gems studded its sides at regular intervals, one of great size mounted on its summit. "Behold!" he said pompously. "The Fireheart. A device of the elder days, when our kind strode the Great Wheel as masters over all, and didn’t live such dreary, funless little lives on boring worldlets. It’s in the hold of my ship, waiting just for you. Aren’t we nice?" He giggled.
Enheten kan aktiveras var som helst av kraftfulla tittare. Allt Eldar behöver göra är att distribuera Fireheart till planeten.
"The Shadow," said Taec bluntly. His vision flickered through his mind’s eye, he on the surface of a world tearing itself apart by a monumental device, and falling to be burned, his soul consumed. "It will prevent remote activation."
Det är inte litet.
Tall among them was the building-sized Fireheart.
Det går effektivt in i planetens själ och försvårar det. Förstör det från insidan ut.
Place it there, and the Fireheart will consume the planet and its dead soul.
The machine directed their minds and amplified them, pushing their strength down, down into the rock. Taec and the seers went with the Fireheart as its semi-sentient core sought the fault that had once fed the eruptions of the Godpeak. It thrust down, past a domed magma chamber empty of heat, through plugged tubes that had once rushed with molten rock, down, down to the mantle, whose currents of molten stone were as yet unperturbed by the war on the surface.
Återigen är den gamla och ser blodig lysande ut.
Taec looked up at the Fireheart. It was old, as old as the ancient empire. The architecture of it was neither that of Commorragh nor that of the craftworlds, but somewhere between the two.
Detta är i grunden fantastiskt och jag tror att det kan vara där uppe med de kraftfullaste vapnen. Det förstörde planeten på en halv dag eller så. Så om du utnyttjade den i rätt positioner skulle invånarna inte ens ha tillräckligt med tid att motverka det.