Movie om en familj som tar in en religiös främling, som slutar plötsligt med en inkommande asteroid


För många år sedan såg jag en film som involverade en familj som tog in en religiös främling. Han visade sig vara homicidal och försökte döda familjemedlemmar.

I slutet berättade berättaren något som den främling sa om Gud "klämmer stjärnorna ut en efter en ..." och då börjar en stor asteroid att blockera stjärnorna en efter en och asteroiden ses i sista stund , slutar plötsligt filmen.

uppsättning Suzy 04.08.2018 05:14

1 svar


Det här är Final Storm (2013).

Från Wikipedia :

Set in the rural Pacific Northwest, a mysterious character named Silas Hendershot (Luke Perry) takes refuge from a severe thunderstorm in a farm owned by Tom (Steve Bacic) and Gillian Grady (Lauren Holly). He claims that he should stay and that they should watch after each other. Tom starts to dislike Silas and becomes suspicious of him and his past.


That night, Silas does return, however, and starts a fire as a distraction outside, which makes Tom run out to look for Silas. Silas wraps a rope around Tom's neck and drags him up in the tree to hang, just like he did with his father. Silas then goes into the house to talk to Tom's wife and try to persuade her to become his new wife. Tom's son comes to his rescue and cuts Tom down from the tree moments before he loses consciousness. A battle then ensues between Tom and Silas. Tom burns Silas alive by pushing him into the fire Silas created as the distraction.

After the battle, Tom and his family notice that the stars in the sky start to glow and then disappear just as depicted in the Bible. Throughout the movie, Silas makes several references to the upcoming "end of the world", as well as the "rapture", as an explanation to the disappearance of the town's population and the fact that armed looters roam it. Just before the end credits role, the entire universe is shown glowing very brightly, then disappearing, signifying the world's end.

Speciellt IMDb ger detta citat:

Silas Hendershot: In the end, the Almighty's just gonna reach down and pinch out the stars one by one.

Stjärnorna bokstavligen försvinner gör att sci-fi är tillräckligt för att vara on-topic, tror jag.


Hittade med Google-frågan "pinch * stars" som returnerar ovanstående citat.

svaret ges 21.12.2018 22:27