title referens av Pierce Brosnan James Bond-filmer


Referens för titeln på James Bond-filmerna togs antingen ur romanen av Ian Fleming eller det speciella berättningselementet. För t.ex. GoldenEye, Octopussy etc.

GoldenEye refererar till satelliten, hänvisar Casino Royale till det pokerspel som spelas i filmen, och Specter avser brottslig organisation som drivs av Blofeld. Det finns fler exempel.

Jag ser emellertid inte någon referens för filmer, Imorgon dör aldrig , Världen är inte tillräckligt och Dö en annan dag .

Var togs titlarna på dessa filmer från?

För läsarna

James Bond använder exakt dessa villkor i sin dialog medan han pratar med skurken i filmerna.

Dö en annan dag

James Bond to Gustav Graves, "so you live to die another day."

Världen är inte tillräckligt

Electra: I could've given you the world.

James: The world is not enough.

uppsättning A J 24.06.2016 21:58

1 svar


I morgon dör aldrig

The original title of the film was "Tomorrow Never Lies", which makes sense when you consider media mogul Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce) was creating the next day's headlines in advance, then causing those events to happen. But a typo on an early script draft was adopted by the producers, and "Tomorrow Never Dies" was used instead. Another rumour circulated that the film was originally going to be called "Tomorrow Never Comes". There are apparently video tapes that were in distribution when the film was released on video that do have the caption "Tomorrow Never Comes" at the very beginning of the tape, not the beginning of the movie.

According to german wikipedia, this was inspired by the Beatles-Song Tomorrow Never Knows

Världen är inte tillräckligt

The only direct Fleming influence on the movie is its title, and even this can be taken as a continuity reference to the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. In the book of that name, "the world is not enough" is given as the motto of one Sir Thomas Bond, although there is no evidence that this is one of Bond's descendents. The literary Bond notes says somewhat sarcastically that he will adopt the motto, although in the movie version Bond seems to accept it without question. However, the movie does include M being kidnapped, an element which formed the basis for the first non-Fleming novel, "Colonel Sun" by Kingsley Amis (writing as Robert Markham), although in a different context.

According to german wikipedia, Bond learns that the familly-motto is „Orbis non sufficit“, latin for „The World Is Not Enough“. In the movie Elektra tells bond that she could have offered him the whole world, but bond replies with his family-motto

Dö en annan dag

According to german wikipedia, the phrase die another day is taken from the poem The Day of Battle from A. E. Housemans collection A Shropshire Lad. („But since the man that runs away lives to die another day“).


Tyska wikipedia 1 2 3 (jag undrar varför det här anges för alla 3 filmer där, men inte i den engelska wikien)
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svaret ges 24.06.2016 22:22