Från den här referensen :
$$ c_f = K_1 \ cdot \ frac {t} {c} + K_2 (\ frac {t} {c}) ^ 2 + K_3 (\ frac {t} {c}) ^ 3 + K_4 frac {t} {c}) ^ 4 $$
För 64A-serien:
- $ K_1 $ = 8,2125018
- $ K_2 $ = 0.7685596
- $ K_3 $ = 1.4922345
- $ K_4 $ = 3.6130133
$ c_f $ är den särskilda skalfaktorn för den här profilen. Och sedan fortsätter referensen med detta huvud spinnar ytterligare förklaring:
Now, for a specified family and thickness, the thickness distribution may be determined without iteration. From the thickness, the scale factor is computed from the polynomial function shown above. Then, the scale factor is used to multiply the basic values of the psi and epsilon functions for this airfoil family. These scaled psi and epsilon functions are used in mapping the z-plane to the z'-plane shown in Figure 1. The Joukowski function zeta = z' + 1/z' then maps the z'-plane into the zeta-plane and these results are normalized so that the leading edge is at x=0 and the trailing edge is at x=1.
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