Har Galactus ultimata öde någonsin uppenbarats?


I Super Villain Classics # 1 (1983) Galactus gör det häpnadsväckande påståendet:

[...] it is my destiny to one day give back to the universe infinitely more than I have ever taken from it.


Har detta uttalande någonsin förklarats?

uppsättning Athena Widget 13.12.2015 21:15

1 svar


Det kanske inte har varit en avsiktlig referens till den komik som du nämnde, men Galactus hjälpte att besegra universums fara som kallas Abraxas .

Abraxas... spontaneously assumed the embodiment of destruction that was the counterpart to the very act of creation embodied by the being known as Eternity.... He soon began to cut a swath of terror through various alternate realities... Abraxas taunted the Fantastic Four with the inevitability of his coming.

I Fantastic Four Vol 3 49 ,

Galactus took the Nullifer from Abraxas, giving it to Mister Fantastic who used the weapon, destroying himself and Abraxas.

svaret ges 13.12.2015 23:05