Slutet i Prometheus


När Elizabeth och David tar slut i slutet av filmen Prometheus i främmande skepp är de på väg till LV-426?

uppsättning BB Stacker 14.12.2012 15:26

2 svar


Från en intervju med författaren Damon Lindelof

In that final scene, David wants to go to Earth, and Elizabeth wants to go to the alien home world. Where do you think they’re going?

  • I think they’re going where she wants to go. His fundamental programming has been scrapped. Weyland [the man who built and programmed him] is dead and so now his programming is coming from God knows where. Is he being programmed by Elizabeth, or is it his own internal curiosity now that Weyland isn’t telling him what to do any more?

    He’s always been interested in Elizabeth, remember that: He’s watching her dreams when she’s sleeping in much the same way that he watches 'Lawrence of Arabia'. He’s a strange robot that has a curious crush on a human being, and when Weyland is eliminated, I think he is genuinely interested in what she’s interested in. He reaches out partly for survival, but partly out of curiosity, and I think he’s sincere that he’ll take her wherever she wants to go.

LV-426 är inte ingenjörer homeworld.

svaret ges 14.12.2012 15:56

Enligt den nya Alien: Covenant trailerfilmen gick Shaw och David till Engineers Homeworld, paradisplaneten.

svaret ges 26.01.2017 16:58