Från Memory Alpha, thrusters i allmänhet :
Thrusters were propulsion devices used aboard starships that generated very little speed, but were useful in various situations. It was possible to use maneuvering thrusters to alter a ship's course, to rotate about an axis, or to move short, precise distances without the use of impulse drive. It was possible to use acceleration thrusters to increase the speed of a ship. Starship personnel could manually use thrusters through thruster control.
och bromsningstryckare specifikt:
The braking thruster was a type of thruster. These thrusters were used to brake a starship's speed. If the crew was incapacitated, say, by time travel, these thrusters could fire automatically.
In 1986, after traveling successfully to this year, the HMS Bounty's braking thrusters fired as the starship approached Earth. Later, in 2286, after another successful time travel, these thrusters fired again as the ship approached Earth.
Observera att det här är mindre av ett problem än man troligen tänker, med tanke på att fartygen brukar flytta via icke-newtonisk mekanik (Warp) och endast förlita sig på impuls för kampmanövrering och dockning.