Var Barry Allen som någonsin nämnts i Justice League Cartoon


I både Justice League och Justice League Unlimited var Barry Allen någonsin nämnt?

Efter att ha tittat på det mesta av Justice League Unlimited igen nyligen, kom Hal Jordan fram i "The Once and Future Thing" del 2, på grund av tidhoppet, men minns inte något om Barry.

uppsättning Recycle 01.04.2016 12:46

1 svar


Liksom Hal visas han inte i DCAU, men han hänvisades direkt och indirekt:

  • A police detective in the Justice League episode "The Brave and the Bold" has a passing resemblance to Barry Allen, acting as the "good cop" during the Flash's interrogation.
  • In the Justice League Unlimited episode "Flash and Substance", the Wally West Flash mentions his uncle "flying in" to attend the dedication of a Flash Museum.
  • There is also another character in the same episode who is Wally's teacher at the forensic lab and bears a resemblance to Barry.
  • Wally has many of Barry Allen's story elements, such as his origin, job, city, foes, and status as being the first scarlet speedster and co-founding the Justice League.
  • In part 1 of the episode "The Brave and the Bold" when the Flash goes into a comatose state he has some strange dreams; in one he has gained so much weight that he is too fat to run, a homage to the Silver Age issue of The Flash #115, and in another he has a giant head, a nod to another Silver Age comic, The Flash #177.

- Wikipedia

Du kanske redan vet att Hal och Barry var döda i serier under DCAU: s start och körning.

svaret ges 01.04.2016 13:43