Varför tillämpas hastighetsbegränsningar efter avisering av ett flygplan?


Informationen om 737 här nämner en intressant begränsning:

737-6/900 without stiffened elevator tabs:

After any ground deicing/anti-icing of the horizontal stabilizer using Type II or Type IV fluids, airspeed must be limited to 270 KIAS until the crew has been informed that applicable maintenance procedures have been accomplished that would allow exceedance of 270 KIAS. Once the applicable maintenance procedures have been accomplished, exceeding 270 KIAS is permissible only until the next application of Type II or Type IV deicing/anti-icing fluids.

Hur är vissa avisningsvätskor, ostyvade hissflikar och flyghastighet relaterad här?

uppsättning fooot 25.06.2014 18:33

1 svar


Vissa avisningsvätskor kan lämna en gelliknande rest i flygplanet. Flera incidenter inträffade med 737s där återstoden ackumulerade i hissbalansviken, vilket orsakade svängande oscillation / vibration under flygning över 270 KIAS. Dessa incidenter resulterade i utfärdandet av Luftvärdighetsdirektivet (AD) 2002-08-20 , som krävde att lägga till 270 KIAS-begränsningen som du upptäckte i 737: s Flight Manuals (AFM). De erforderliga "underhållsförfarandena" består i att rengöra avisningsvätskerester. AD kräver även en engångsrengöring och tätning av hissbalansen.

The FAA has received reports of numerous incidents of severe airframe vibration, or limit cycle oscillation (LCO), in flight after the horizontal stabilizer had been deiced/anti-iced on the ground. The reported incidents occurred on Boeing Model 737-600, -700, and -800 series airplanes. The empennage structure on these, as well as Model 737-700C series airplanes, is identical; therefore, all of these airplanes are subject to the identified unsafe condition. These events have been attributed to an accumulation of deicing/anti-icing fluid or other residue in the elevator balance panel cavities and on the external surfaces of the elevator tab.

En Boeingartikel om ämnet ger lite mer information och har också några bilder visar återstoden. Här ser du hur en balanserad panel på 737 hissar upp:

Från artikeln:

Airplane deicing and anti-icing fluids can leave residue in critical areas in the wings and stabilizers. This residue can rehydrate and expand into a gel-like material that can freeze during flight and cause restrictions in the flight control systems. Therefore, attention to this residue should be part of a regularly scheduled inspection and cleaning process.


Although Type III fluids have not been specifically linked to any events involving flight controls, the composition of these fluids makes them equally susceptible to residue problems as the Type II and Type IV fluids.

svaret ges 25.06.2014 18:50