Var hittar Deadpool 1 och 2 plats?


Titta på de två Deadpool-filmerna, det är aldrig klart hur de äger rum. I vilken stad (riktig eller fiktiv) är Deadpool-filmerna inställda?

uppsättning JesseTG 25.05.2018 16:41

2 svar


Watching the two Deadpool movies, it's never made clear where they take place.

Det anges aldrig och staden heter inte.

De platser vi ser är helt fiktiva (även om de är filmade i Vancouver ).

När gator är heter de verkar vara namngivna efter tecknade bokstäver, författare, illustratörer eller producenter.


Don't feel bad if you've never heard of Oyakata -- as far as I can tell, Deadpool's sumo wrestler pal only ever appeared in one issue of the comic (and also a guidebook). Maybe the character meant something special to a member of the production team, or perhaps they just wanted to make a really deep cut for diehard fans.

At least a couple of these names are easy to match up. Shaham Rd and Silver Ave point to Tamar Shaham and Scott Aaron Silver, two people who worked on visual effects for the movie. It's prooobably safe to assume that Swagger and Grayson refer to other crew members or friends of the production team, but "Tristan Ave" sticks out as the only first name of the bunch. If everyone's okay with it, I'll go ahead and take credit as the Tristan in this easter egg

Starting from the left, the Fort McGuiness exit is for sure a call-out to Ed McGuinness, a classic Deadpool illustrator. "Wernick Pkwy" is no doubt a reference to Paul Wernick, one of the screenwriters. The top-right is especially interesting though, since it's unmistakably a tribute to Steve Ditko, a legendary comic book artist known best for co-creating Spider-Man. It's fitting, since Wade Wilson owes a lot of his design to Marvel's resident wall-crawler.

Mer på länken ovan.

svaret ges 25.05.2018 16:58

it's never made clear where they take place

Ja, det är det. .

New York, New York. X-Mansion ligger i Salem, New York. Hytten som Deadpool rider är typisk New York Crow Victoria taxi.

De besöker S.H.I.E.L.D (jävla jag gillar inte att skriva sånt) Carrier wreckage som föll på New York under den första Avengers Movie.

AAAANd i D1-postkreditplatsen skapade de Bueller-talet (för att bära samma kappa och mot samma bakgrund) från Ferris Buellers Day Off som äger rum i New York. Deadpool är i Ferris hus.

svaret ges 25.05.2018 17:04