Story om en lågteknologiska värld som tar över auktoritära kulturer genom att låta dem stjäla teknik


En till synes agrarisk kultur som invaderades av en nazistisk kopia som stal agrikulturens "tech", massproducerad den och den andra effekten ägde rum och nazistkopien blev "erövrad" eller mer som frigjord av kunskapen och visdom släppt. "Formlerna" skrevs på alla små saker som var kopplade till tekniken. Påminde mig om en dykare bältevikt.

Jag läste detta som ett barn så det är inte klart i mitt minne men lektionen i historien gick inte förlorad. Det skrevs antingen av författaren som förutspådde DNA-dubbelhelix-naturen innan den tillkännagavs eller i en antologi med honom som redaktör.

Historien slutar med en utbyte mellan två av agrarianserna där vi lär oss det

there are about a dozen other cultures keeping an eye on them.

uppsättning Michael 29.06.2013 03:19

1 svar


Det är "Färdigheterna i Xanadu" av Theodore Sturgeon , en av hans många, många klassiska historier . I essäet "Terrible Angels: Singularity and Science Fiction" Damien Broderick sammanfattar det sålunda:

In ‘The Skills of Xanadu’ (1956), a primitive world is found by a hightech militarist. The naked savages wear a curious belt but little else, and inexplicably their disorganized play fetches them everything they require in life. This harmony, maddening to the rigid newcomer, proves to be a by-product of their single crucial item of technology: the belt, which links all brains into a shared knowledge base. Faced with a problem, you simply understand the answer. The skill of the best practitioner of any craft is instantly available. When the warmonger leaves, taking a belt, he hopes to use it to transform his rigid society into a perfect dictatorship. Instead, the belts convert his world into a harmonious network of free individuals, each of them experts in the skills of ‘logic and love; sympathy, empathy, forbearance’ (Sturgeon, 1979, p. 259). Years later, Sturgeon wrote wistfully: ‘I yearn to live on Xanadu, and wear their garment, and join with them in their marvelous life-style’

I en epilog diskuterar "agrariansna" i Xanadu framstegen i sin plan för att erövra galaxen med sina smutsiga enheter:

In each other's arms, Tanyne and Nina were singing softly, when the goblet in the mossy niche chimed.
"Here comes another one," said Wonyne, crouched at their feet. "I wonder what will make him beg, borrow or steal a belt."
"Doesn't matter," said Tanyne, stretching luxuriously, "as long as he gets it. Which one is he, Wo--that noisy mechanism on the other side of the small moon?"
"No," said Wonyne. "That one's still sitting there squalling and thinking we don't know it's there. No, this is the force-field that's been hovering over Fleetwing District for the last two years."
Tanyne laughed. "That'll make conquest number eighteen for us."
"Nineteen," corrected Nina dreamily. "I remember because eighteen was the one that just left and seventeen was that funny little Bril from the Sumner System. Tan, for a time that little man loved me." But that was a small thing and did not matter."

svaret ges 30.06.2013 03:44