Har Aragorn någonsin besökt Shire?


Tolkien anger om Ringer någonsin har besökt Shire, antingen som Ranger eller en kung, i ringenes herre, eller i hans spjälsängar?

uppsättning Major Stackings 16.09.2012 09:25

1 svar


Han gick inte in i Shire efter att han blev kung (från bilaga A):

There were fourteen Chieftains, before the fifteenth and last was born, Aragorn II, who became again King of born Gondor and Arnor. ‘Our King, we call him; and when he comes north to his house in Annúminas restored and stays for a while by Lake Evendim, then everyone in the Shire is glad. But he does not enter this land and binds himself by the law that he has made, that none of the Big People shall pass its borders.

c.3000 [Saruman's] spies report that the Shire is being closely guarded by the Rangers.

3027 King Elessar issues an edict that Men are not to enter the Shire, and he makes it a Free Land under the protection of the Northern Sceptre.

3036 King Elessar rides north, and dwells for a while by Lake Evendim. He comes to the Brandywine Bridge, and there greets his friends.

Om han kom in i Shire medan han och Dunedain bevakade den, nämns det inte specifikt. Det verkar troligt att han förmodligen korsade gränsen vid något tillfälle under bevakningsåren, men de förmodligen undvikit att göra det ofta givet att det inte förefaller vara någon kunskap i deras skyddets Shire.

svaret ges 16.09.2012 11:30