Short Berättelser om den stora crunchen


Key Plot Points

Jag försöker identifiera en bok med noveller. Poängen jag kommer ihåg är:

  • En tjej erbjuder att visa en av karaktärerna som finns i butik i slutet av universum
  • I slutet av boken klickar det tecknet ut sina egna ögon och fortsätter att skrika "Åh GUD! Titta på det. Titta på det!"
  • Tidigare diskuteras hur universum kommer att knäppa tillbaka som ett gigantiskt gummiband och hon är här för att förbereda dem för det.
  • Annan relevant information och kronologi

    Flickan är utrustad på omslaget, med utsträckta armar. Inte mycket att fortsätta, men jag läste berättelsen för 15 år sedan och kan inte komma ihåg längre.

    uppsättning user16793 20.08.2013 08:49

    1 svar


    The Jaunt - Steven King 1981 publicerad i The Twilight Zone Magazine

    samlad i kungens 1985-samlingsskelettbesättning.

    Jag tror att det här är berättelsen i fråga, men inte alla detaljer matchar författarens beskrivning.

    De talande tecknen till mig är beskrivningen av omslaget, och förklaringen av karaktären skrapar ögonen.

    As his family prepares to be "Jaunted" to Mars, Mark entertains his two children by recounting the curious tale of the discovery and history of teleportation. He explains how the scientist who discovered the Jaunt quickly learned that it had a disturbing, inexplicable effect on the mice sent through the two Jaunt portals. The mice would either die instantly or behave erratically before dying moments later. The scientist eventually concluded that they could only survive the "Jaunt effect" while unconscious. That, the father explains, is why all people must undergo general anaesthesia before using the Jaunt.

    Mark spares his children the gruesome semi-apocryphal account of the first human to be Jaunted awake, a condemned murderer offered a full pardon for agreeing to the experiment. The man came through and immediately suffered a massive heart attack, living just long enough to utter a single cryptic phrase: "It's eternity in there..."

    Mark also doesn't mention that since the inception of the technology, roughly thirty people have Jaunted while conscious, voluntarily or otherwise. Each time, they either died instantly or emerged insane. One woman was even shoved alive into eternal limbo by her husband, stuck between two Jaunt portals. Even though his attorneys attempted to argue that he was not guilty on the grounds that his wife was technically still alive, the implications of that argument only served to secure and hasten his murder conviction and execution.

    Mark then reveals the nature of why any conscious being goes insane or dies after being Jaunted. It is theorized that while physically the process occurs nearly instantaneously, to a conscious mind it lasts an eternity. One is simply left alone with their thoughts in an endless field of white for what is suggested to be possibly anywhere from hundreds to billions of years. However, the father is careful in his wording to keep from scaring his family.

    After Mark finishes his story, the family is subjected to the sleeping gas and Jaunted to Mars. When Mark wakes, he is first aware of screaming. He finds his inquisitive son Ricky's hair suddenly lengthened and white with shock and cackling like a lunatic. Ricky held his breath while being administered the general anesthesia in order to experience the Jaunt while conscious, and has been rendered completely insane. Ricky confirms the terrible nature of the conscious Jaunt, shrieking "It's longer than you think, Dad! Longer than you think!" Ricky then claws his own eyes out as he is wheeled away from his horrified family by several Jaunt attendants.

    Jag letade också efter en kopia av omslaget och hittade följande, som alltså inte var exakt i beskrivningen, verkade återigen mycket i linje och påfallande minnesvärda.

    svaret ges 05.09.2016 12:59