Frågor med tagg 'forsaken'


Försvunnen efter Tarmon Gai'don

Från Wikipedia: Moghedien is one of only two Forsaken to survive Tarmon Gai'don. [She has an adam placed around her neck by a Seanchan suldam.] Också, Hessalam is one of only two Forsaken to survive Tarmon Gai'don. [She (Graendal)...
uppsättning 13.04.2013 06:18

The Forsaken och Balefire

Från Wikia : During the War of the Shadow, the use of balefire had a horrible effect on the pattern. Whole cities were burned out of existence and the pattern was almost destroyed before both sides decided not to use it anymore. Varför...
uppsättning 18.04.2013 19:32