1950s "Space Patrol" -avsnittet


Commander Corey och Cadet Happy (gick han någonsin bortom "Cadet"?) ombord på en gammal övergiven rymdstation som håller på att förstöras som ett hot mot navigationen. Kriminella gömmer sig ombord på stationen (som jag tydligt kommer ihåg var en von Braun-typ hjulet ) fånga dem men de bra killar sparar dagen.

uppsättning Lee Eckhardt 31.08.2016 17:16

2 svar


Kan detta vara Prometheus Bound for Destruction "(AKA" Phantom Spaceship )

Episode #40 "Prometheus Bound for Destruction" September 29, 1951

Buzz, Tonga and Happy blast off to explore an obsolete space station called Prometheus, which is orbiting Ganymede, Jupiter's fourth moon. Prometheus is scheduled for destruction by Space Safety. Boarding the station, the Space Patrollers are threatened by an old space criminal who has hidden there for forty years and resists their efforts to remove him. Preoccupied, they fail to hear the broadcast warning all ships in the vicinity that hydrogen torpedoes will destroy the station within minutes.

Space Patrol: Missions of Daring in the Name of Early Television

Stationen var ett roterande hjul.

svaret ges 31.08.2016 17:51

IMDB listar säsong 2, rymdpatrons episod 29 som "The Derelict Space Station .

Episode #82 "The Derelict Space Station" July 19, 1952

Buzz, Happy and Tonga become involved in a harrowing adventure when two dangerous criminals overcome the trio in a spaceship which goes out of control and hurtles toward the planet Earth.

Merrick: Peter Mamakos
Klinger: Tom Daly

Space Patrol: Missions of Daring in the Name of Early Television

svaret ges 31.08.2016 17:22