Enligt en 2003-rapport från det europeiska transportsäkerhetsrådet :
Rail and air travel are the safest modes per distance travelled, followed by bus. The passengers of trains, bus/coach and planes within the EU have the lowest fatality risk per passenger kilometre. For the average passenger trip in the EU, bus travel has a 10 times lower fatality risk than car travel and air travel within the EU has for the average flight distance about the same fatality risk per passenger kilometre as train travel and both are half as risky as travel by coach. The risks associated with ferry travel fluctuate, but the expected fatality risk is 4 to 8 times that of train [or air] travel.
(betona min)
Observera att denna rapport publicerades 2003, innan Costa Concordia sjönk, så en uppdaterad rapport kan riskera att färja reser högre.